lets write something normal

Ok, normal time.

Uhhhh… *thinks*

Ok, so a few weeks ago, giant girl and tiny girl (people I see on teh way to work every day) were walking on seperate sides of the street, giving each other angry glances. They made up today. aww cute.

I am officially in "heat" but I probably won’t have sex for another 24 plus days. horrible.

I will be seeing Baboo on Friday. I’m excited. He said I could have countless hugs! ha ha. Or at least, I think he said that. I don’t care. I’m taking them and he can’t stop me! I’ve taken to wearing his clothes that he left at my house. I’m sure this makes him feel weird and uncomfortable. But see if I care. They smell like him and I miss him a lot.

I just realized that I get next Tuesday off too. I inadvertantly said I’d see Baboo on that day too and he was like "oh really?" so yay! I get to see him on Friday and Tuesday! huzzah!

This makes me happy.

What else, what else.

Uhhh, so i’m completely broke for the next 2 weeks. ha ha.

I will be able to put gas in my car, buy some minimal groceries (I must pack my kids lunches and things because whil NORMALLY them buying lunch is cheaper, i can’t afford that either. so they will have lots of peanut butter and jelly. ha ha) and get cat food. I wanted to buy those little demons a scratching post cuz they are ripping into anything they can get their claws into and it’s ANNOYING. We’ll see. It’ll probably have to wait.

I have car registration due this month. I need to make an appt. What else. Ummm, yeah.

Thanksgiving is coming and then Christmas. I really HOPE I have some money to get the gifts I want to get the boys. If I dont’ have it I will have to do an IOU, but it’ll suck.

I’ll be making slide show pictures things for everyone elses present.

*sigh sigh sigh*

Next year will be better.

I’m gonna get my own place.

My bills will be in order.

I’ll be more concious of saving money while my kids are in school so that I can afford to have them go to daycare when they are offtrack.


oh check THIS OUT. the damn babysitter texted me yesterday asking how the boys were doing.


I didn’ trespond. I still need to send her a letter letting her know I won’t need her services and I hope she’s happy for taking the winter clothes and new shoes away from my kids.

dumb bitch.


blah blah blah.

I’m hungry.

I have a slim fast.

I didn’t have anything for lunch today so I suppose I have to get something. I really don’t want to spend any uneccessary money. Maybe I can get away with eating  cereal for lunch. I think I’ll try. I probably will change my mind by lunchtime tho. I wish we had a fast food place near here so i could get a 99 cent burger or something. but nooo. we only have subway and they are expensive fucks, i don’t care about that 5 dollar footlong! i want to only spend 2 dollars!!!!

i guess i could get a cookie…



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the slide shows sound like a really nice gift for family! i wear josh’s clothes too. haha. well- mainly just his shirts. and i even wash them with my laundry and then i’ll spray them with his cologne so they’ll smell like him again. haha. psycho much??? 😛

November 5, 2008

You can make your own cat scratch post. Use a old paper towel roll (or towel paper roll) & wrap tin foil around it. They’ll play with for hours. Or if you have a little money, buy a cheap catnip toy at a $1 store & stuff it inside the roll & then wrap the roll with a piece of old carpet (or buy a tea towel from same $1 store) & staple in onto the roll. Kitties will have fun trying to get inside. K

November 5, 2008

You’re seeing Baboo? Does that mean you have to visit him at his parents’ house?

November 5, 2008

you and the kids should get a family photo. I just thought about that on my lunch. I do not know why LOL

Cookies are tastey….

November 6, 2008

Does your subway not have the daily 3.99 special? I guess that’s still pretty close to five dollars. I am broke for the next week myself. Gosh I will be so glad when I can truely catch up!!!