Kitten Update! *e1, 2

I will do kitten updates in this entry for the rest of the night.


Ok, so it’s 5:13 PM and Ember has had THREE kittens. They are all black and white, though one sorta has tiger stripes in grey and a light brown or orange. REALLY CUTE.

She will probably have at least 3 more… she’s doing well.

I was paranoid that she wouldn’t know what to do, but she has taken to cleaning them very well and they are nursing and healthy! yay!

I’ll be back later!

*E1: 7:54 PM:  Ember has five kittens as of now. They are all black and white or tiger striped (one with black and orange stripes on it’s face! so cute!) and one all black one. I think she may have a few to go, but she looks exhausted. I have pictures but no way to upload them until Baboo finds the chord… booo!!!!

*E2 9:59 PM: So the count has stopped at 5. Perfect number! I"m praying for boys so that they can go to a home that wants them (my sister) because otherwise I’ll be the kitty pimp trying to get rid of my hoes!

Anyway, if you’re wondering why she isn’t fixed, it’s because I have put other priorities before getting her fixed. I figured that her being a soley indoors cat would have helped to alleviate the urgency to get the procedure done, but she ran away and came back knocked up (slutty slut!), so now we have the kittens. I hope I can keep her inside until she is fixed and then she may become an indoor outdoor cat, but who knows. Anyway, it’s not that I don’t want to do it, I just would rather take my kids to a movie.

Does that make me bad or irresponsible?


But you can make your own decisions and I’ll make mine, ya know? It’s fine. We’ll proably keep one. I hope there is only one girl! I wish we could tell now, but mama won’t even let me touch them without giving me an evil eye and a little growl. She’s such a good mommy. She is cleaning them and keeping them warm and even covered them with her paw when we had been looking at them too long.

There are 4 black and white striped ones (with grey and orange… you’ll see in the pics) and one that is mainly black with some white stripes. So cute!!!! (Even Baboo likes them even though he’s acting like he doesn’t)

I wish I could give them to some of my favs, I know you guys would make great homes for them!

Anyway, that’s the ending update for now. It’ll be funny if I check tomorrow and there is another kitten or two… but I felt her belly and it’s small and compact now and I think 5 is the magic number.

it’s also one of my favorite numbers, so yeehaw!

I must go, my youngest child is begging for a spanking….

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moar kittens! 😀 Chris

September 1, 2009

Real time kitten updates, cool!

September 1, 2009


September 1, 2009

Wowser! Go mama go!!!

September 1, 2009


Are you taking pictures?! I wanna kittie 🙁

September 1, 2009

cute! kittens lol

September 1, 2009

hopefully she doesn’t eat her babies


September 1, 2009

pics or it didn’t happen

September 1, 2009

meeeeeeeep!! KITTENS!!!!! :):):):):):)

September 1, 2009

I wished you lived closer, I might end up taking one.

September 1, 2009

Aww! 5 is a good number. I wish I could take one. I loveeee me some baby kitties! hehe. I don’t think it makes you bad/irresponsible for not getting her fixed. Jesus, look how long it took me to get Mocha fixed (almost 5 years! LOL!) oops!! 🙂 Cats are funny about that though. You can try mighty hard to keep your cat as an “indoor cat,” but once the heat strikes up, they WILL get out and go get some kitty bangin’ action. That’s just what they do! And they can JET out the front door quicker than you can blink. So I think it’s definitely an urgency that you do go ahead and get it done but money doesn’t grow on trees and we all know this. 🙂 YAY for kittenssss!!! Can’t wait to see pics. Oh my cheese. I just know I’m gonna fall so in love so hard! haha. xoxo<3

September 2, 2009

I had a slutty cat. Once she got out and we were like- Ah, hell… well, my bf and I were sitting on my back porch (promise that is not slang for anything dirty… I don’t think) and we heard a noise. I flipped on a flashlight and there was my girl and sure enough in the course of an hour did she get banged by three different cats. What-a-slut!! Four kittens ensued.

September 2, 2009


September 2, 2009


September 2, 2009

Awwww, I’d be so tempted to take on if I lived near you, haha! And you know, if my doggy wouldn’t be a bit put out haha.

I’d want one but I’m already pissed off at the one I have now. She has an attitude problem. Whenever she’s mad, she pees everywhere in the house. It’s awful. What a b!tch.

September 2, 2009

whoo hoo for kitties!

September 2, 2009

Congrats on the kittens!!

September 2, 2009

YAY kittens! Way to go Momma Ember!

First off, how are Yakko, wakko, dot, pinky, and the brain? 😛 Second off, how close are you to those ickydoole fires that are nearing LA Land? :O Chris

OMG!!! KITTIES!!!! 😀

September 2, 2009

I wish I could have one. :/

September 2, 2009

awww I WANT ONE! I wish i could have one but I got a cat… she’s about…. sh*t… 4 or 5 now in human years and she’s fixed 🙁 but I know my parents dont want other animals.

September 4, 2009

Must see pictures!