just kill me

i’m so pissed.

first off all… this hairless dog that is all over for the " new president" to adopt is ugly as hell and I"d never want one. ew. i hope he gets one. it will make everything complete. blah.


so my dumbass just lost ALL OF MY SAVED SIMS STUFF. the big beautiful house that I built. My new restaurant. ALL OF MY FAMILIES. my custom neighborhoods that I spent HOURS ON.

all of it.


i’m crushed.

and now i have to start over.

which sucks, but oh well, it is what it is.

i probalby won’t build anything for awhile because it just takes so long, at least 3 hours for a project. it’s so fun tho.

oh well.

it’s gone now.

nothing i can do to recover it either.

goddamn it.


start from scratch i shall.

and i haven’t done ANYTHING else today.

my kids didn’t want to watch a movie with me and barely want to be around me today.



don’t feel like writing on my story really. maybe later.

i’m not going to say i am though, because i probably won’t.

*sigh pout mope*


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November 11, 2008

How did you manage to lose it all?

November 11, 2008

oh i feel your pain. when i installed apartment life i lost EVERYTHING and had to start over. fresh start

Damn that blows, I never got into the sims much…. My girlfriend loves it… Right now, I am liking Fable 2. Of course me, I have like 5 wives and 4 kids lol.

November 11, 2008

I didn’t know he was considering a hairless dog!!! Is this an actual breed or does the dog have a condition?

November 11, 2008

do you know if i can turn my sim into a vampire or werewolf? i’ve been trying with no luck! i have a witch but i dont know if the vampire thing is even possible.

FYI: all dogs are cute when you’re a dog lover. 🙂

The only hairless dog I think is cute are Chinese Crested’s. I swear I’ll own one, one day.

November 11, 2008

How did you lose it all?

November 12, 2008

Ew – that hairless dog is nasty! I hadn’t heard about it til I read this.

November 12, 2008

Yeah? What they said up there. I just hate it when we work SO hard on something that takes time and then it is all gone in just a flash. I felt like this last week when I moved my pictures and they were suddenly not on OD anymore. Really frustraiting after I spent so much time placing them.