Jonathon’s first faces!!!! (pics)

Here are the pictures I promised from the other day.




Jonathons first face!










Ok, and a couple shots of them playing together. they are too fuzzy and i had this WHOLE STORY planned, but eh, just check out the fuzz.. (and ignore the mess!!!)







And now, the really GOOD faces jonathon drew last night!


(I drew the hair on the top one btw… it’s supposed to be him!)





TA DAAA. is it just me or is my son BRILLIANT?



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November 17, 2003

Brilliant! Brilliant I tell ya! *HUGS* *big hugs to Jonathan too* ~

November 17, 2003

*peers around* *does first note dance* That is all. =oD ~

Very cute!!

November 17, 2003

Angurique??? How do you say that?? These are awesome! I think we have an artist here folks.

November 17, 2003

*smacks forehead* JonaTHON. ~

lovely dahling…. 😉

November 17, 2003

so cute!

awesome! <3 Annie-Rae

November 17, 2003

awwww….how cute! he’s got talent, i tell ya! thanks for sharing! (((HUGGLES)))

November 17, 2003

Aww those are great pictures 🙂

He *IS* brilliant–and adorable too!!! Those faces are awesome!!

awww how CUTE!

November 18, 2003

uncle johny was having a rough day 😀

November 18, 2003

Those are so cute. At first I was like, “What is she talking about?! I’ve seen him make that face before…” But then I got it. The PICTURE faces. Duh.

November 19, 2003

Wow, GREAT JOB considering how young he is! He is so cute and looks so proud! Hee!