Jacob and his broken toe *pic for popdim


 Alrighty, so I figured I better snap a shot of my son who decided he wanted to hobble around the house with his "broken toe boot" on. At least he’s smiling now!

Don’t look at the mess all around… lol.

I feel like crap.

I got chinese food for dinner and it tastes good but my stomach is in knots and I feel queasy. My dumb ole period is slowly making it’s appearance in dots and spots and I wish it would just stop being a damn floosy tease and get itself over with so I can at least enjoy a portion of my weekend. (the first 2 to 3 days suck the most and I was hoping it would start today so that by sunday I’d have a smidge of relief… doesn’t look like it’s gonna be that way)



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December 3, 2009


I scrolled back up to look at all the crap because you told me not too! *lol*

December 3, 2009

Ughh I want my period to be OVER already!

December 3, 2009

He’s precious. I’m pretty sure my period is well on it’s way too—ugh. Not lookin forward to it. My face has been freakin breakin out like whoa lately. Grrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

December 3, 2009

That boot looks unfun. I’m glad when I broke a toe I broke the little one.

December 3, 2009

You know what…. you make some pretty cute kids!!! cant wait to see what you and baboo can make together.

December 3, 2009

Aww. His poor foot. Is your stomach queasy because of your oncoming period? Feel better soon.

December 4, 2009

How come everytime you get your period I’m all like, OMG HAS ANOTHER MONTH GONE BY ALREADY!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I’m starting to base the passage of time off of your flow. WEIRD! 😉

December 4, 2009

your son is so cute! 🙂 his poor toe!

December 4, 2009

He looks like he’s feeling much better lol!

December 4, 2009

He’s such a cutie.

December 4, 2009
December 4, 2009

He looks just like you!

December 4, 2009

Jacob is growing up so fast! It’s good that he’s smiling again. Aunt Flo is doing exactly the same thing to me.

He’s a cutie! Yeah… I’m not due for maybe a week/week-and-a-half, but I’m already PMSing hardcore.