It’s not Monday!

I don’t know how I do it. I think things like this only happen to me. So I’m up at 3 in the morning pumping milk (Cuz I’m a human cow ya know) for my baby’s morning bottle. I like him to have at least one fresh bottle instead of frozen milk all day. Anyway, I was wide awake, so I went ahead and made sure my clothes were ready for the day. I didn’t have to be up until 4:30ish so I could leave my house at 5. So, I decided to lay back down with my snuggle baby until then…

Mistake alert! Mistake alert!

I vaguely remember all 4 of my alarms going off… but not really… I just know that I opened my eyes to glance at the clock and pray tell… it reads 5:45… 5:45?! no way… NO WAY… no FREAKIN way!!!!! Thats 15 minutes after I’m supposed to leave. I don’t believe I have ever moved so fast.

I jumped up and threw my clothes on. I carefully (slow motion here) moved Jonathon into his crib. (fast forward resumed) Then I flew to the kitchen to retrieve my pumping essentials.. heh heh… braided my hair at the speed of light flew outside to my car ensuring that my wallet was in my bag and drove 90 mph all the way to work. (don’t tell the chp now…) I was 15 minutes late, tired, hungry with no food, crazy looking, and frazzled.

I’m just glad I didn’t get in trouble or get a speeding ticket. Isn’t life grand? And I think to myself… it’s not even Monday anymore, and the day still sucks!

I hope it gets better… please?

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RYN – *smoochies* You’re welcome for the reminder. I just wanted to let you know that I’m grateful that you’ve written up to 100 entries. =) You’re da grooviest! Ooh and the Anita Blake book was just… *shiver* Fan-spanking-tastic! Vampires and werewolves and weresnakes and just… awesome. ~

*Big Hugs* It will get better, I promise. Just give it a little time then you will be back with your little one.

yeah, that was me last thursday. I woke up went to class. You know, just sitting there day dreaming all day in my classes. About 1:30 i say to myself “hey, its thrusday, wasnt i supposed to do something on thursday?… OH SHIT! I had a meeting with my boss that orning. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I flew out of class like a mad man, leaving a steam of paper in my wake. I’m glad me boss likes me

October 16, 2001

thank you for your words of comfort.

Oh man, that sucks ass…I hate that…I do shit like that all the time. I am most assuredly NOT a morning person. I am glad you made it without getting into trouble.

October 17, 2001

it brings my mind to countless sunday mornings. monday mornings always seemed to be fine. the sundays.. bleh. đŸ™‚

*blows betterness your way* insert woooooshing sound here it’ll come with the wind, dont’ worry

awwwwwww……snuggling is sooo lovely. It was worth it though, wasn’t it.

ewwww… I hate it when that happens! Being rushed like that is the worst feeling… at least u made it in one piece. You have to be at work at 6am??!! Craziness!