its not going right *E contract *E upset

The house we applied for got posted again, as if we didn’t show interest and offer on it. I’m really confused and sad.

I can’t TAKE all of this right now. My damn husband is now getting pulled in two directions and I don’t know how to convince him one way or the other.

The house I want might fall through.


And I just want to cry.


*E: So I guess he’s asking for a contract to lock his wages and benefits in place for at least a few years.

I might resign in less than a month because we might move to Simi Valley and that’ll add about 45 minutes to an hour to my commute, which would be stupid.


god what the hell. TOO MUCH CHANGE.


*E: Upset. He’s probably going to stay with his current job. He’s being offered 10k more per year and it’s very alluring. I don’t know what to think. My head hurts. I don’t want him to blow off the job he just accepted, but ultimately he has to make this choice. He doesn’t think he’s making a bad one for the family. He said he will be promoted to managmenet level and get more responsibility with the company. He will no longer be a contracter (which is what he is now). I’m so confused and sad. Everything was set, we were ok. Now there is confusion and insecurity and my emotions can’t handle it.


I threw up today because I’m anxious.


I don’t like this.


I don’t like being a cry baby either! blah!!!!!


Oh yeah, I have a ticker. Look at that!






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        Humanity Scar   


 (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

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Sometimes that can happen normally, just because of how the program works. Good luck on everything!

Ahhhh! It’s all so confusing! I’m so sorry.

February 29, 2012

All the changes will lead to good… hang in there.

February 29, 2012

Change is more often than not very difficult. So much all at once, too! Hang in there! HUGS

February 29, 2012


February 29, 2012
February 29, 2012

Yeah, change frequently sucks until later! *hugs*

February 29, 2012

Don’t cry over a house. Cry over a house when there are zombies in the street.

Again, he will not get the opportunity with his current boss that he’ll get with this new employer. I bet the new employer will pay for him to upgrade his skills and take classes. They pay for their employees to attend conferences, to constantly improve. They pay for their employees to have not just vacation time but often they get extra days off to do other things, personal time whatever. Baboo is making a mistake here. Just because his boss is his friend doesn’t mean he has to look out for his friend, he needs to look out for himself and his family. Call the house place and ask them wtf is going on.

February 29, 2012


Don’t worry too much about it – our house is still listed and we’ve lived here (and owned it!!) since Sept. People are just dummies.

February 29, 2012

I’ve been on the outs with OD so I haven’t been around much. On a completely lighter tone if you move to Simi Village that would be excellent solely based on the name! I’m going to make a new town in Sims and name it Simi Village

February 29, 2012

Hopefully he can get get his contract stuff together before you go on maternity leave. *FINGERS CROSSED* But a bidding battle for him won’t hurt either. Whats the earliest you want to go back to work?

Change is crazy stressful when it piles in all at once. But. This is going to be such good change, and it will be so so worth it when everything levels out. I always just take a few deep breaths, and then go along for the ride. Everything has a way of working out positively in the end, if you truly and honestly believe that it will. re: Thanks so much for your encouragement! Seriously, itmade me grin like a big doofus. 🙂

stress is a shit on the body. I hope this all works out and that you both can come to an understanding and compromise that works for you both… best wishes. Sorry i know i am lame, but I just never know what to say. seriously best wishes and you dont get sick again.

So his current company will start giving him and the family benefits? His current company will pay for him to upgrade his skills? This isn’t just about money. This is about him having the opportunity to advance and for his family to have health coverage. This is upsetting I’d throw up too.

February 29, 2012

He has to know that he has a family and a baby on the way doesn’t he know what would be the best option. I get the feeling that he’s not considering of the options because he’s not thinking the situation through enough clearly with the fact that he has a family and a baby on the way and he just thinks that you’d be comfortable that way. I’m just getting this from what you said. Hugs. It sucks

February 29, 2012

to throw up from anxiety. Hugs I hope you feel better soon.

February 29, 2012

I mean considering all of the options.

I don’t like this either!!!!!!! What about benefits?

nooo!!! Doesn’t he understand that they are only giving him this offer because of the threat of him leaving?! Once the threat is erased, there will be no reason to keep rewarding him for good work. The other company starts out better, and so obviously they treat their employees better. This means better benefits, pay, and job security for the future. This current job may be able to offer up a promotion now, but what about the long term buddy?!!? He’s obviously not thinking this through. grr! Sorry Hun xo

And what if he takes this offer from his current job, and they just let him have the position long enough to find someone else who will do the same job for what he WAS making? This is such a bad decision, and you need to tell him that. Don’t hold all these feelings in – it will be a big mistake. I understand you thinking he has to make his own decisions, but his “own” decisions ended being a possibility when opted to get married and start a family.

I think Baboo is thinking with his heart instead of his head, he doesn’t want to leave or reject his friends because of it. Hopefully he’ll come to his senses soon! I’m sorry this is so upsetting for you, but remember it WILL work out! (Despite the bull that’s going on now) <3

🙁 That kind of sucks, actually. I’ve been in a job like that, where I was a sub-contractor, and then promised all of this awesome stuff [raises, etc.] that never materialized. It’s such a gamble of job, really.

February 29, 2012


February 29, 2012

🙁 Sorry sweetie.

February 29, 2012

I think he is making the wrong decision!

They left our house listed until the day after we signed the lease, had the keys and had already paid our first months rent and security deposit. They have to keep advertising it until they absolutely have someone living there or they will screw themselves. It’s for their protection. Don’t stress it one bit sweetie!

Ugh, ugh, ugh! I hate change, but sometimes you just have to give up what you know and are comfortable with (current job) for something completely new. This is a great opportunity for him. Hopefully something will click and all will become clear again, either way.

February 29, 2012

Take care of yourself. Um, not that you asked for any advice, but. I think that’s the best thing you could do. I hope all goes well for you and your family.

March 1, 2012


March 1, 2012

you are not a cry-baby! you’re under a hell of a lot of stress and you have a lot of responsibility. would sitting down with b and making a pros and cons list of each position help? what about taking it over with your dad? you’ll work it out.

March 1, 2012

** hugs**

You are not a crybaby. You just have a lot of shit going on. I hope it works out the best way it can for your family, Sometimes what we want, and what we need do not mesh up the way we see or want to see it. *sad smile* trust me lol I know.

March 1, 2012


OK, I’ve come back to this again because I’m so damn worried. So here’s the issue. I don’t know if his old boss is going to offer Baboo benefits for him and the family but if he not could you please pass this on to Baboo. You have diabetes, there are all sorts of health complications you could have after you resign from your job, in the final stages of your pregnancy. Your baby could havehealth complications. 10,000/year extra will not even begin to cover the health care costs if something happens. I am angry now. I’m so angry that I want to send Baboo an e-mail. But I know you’d hate me if I did that. I’d never speak nasty to him, I’d just let him know what this new job means, compared to the old one. I’m so upset I’m on the verge of tears over this whole thing because I’m scared you and the boys won’t have the proper health care you’ll need once you resign.

March 1, 2012

Big hugs to you.