it gets worse!
I just found out that last Christmas my older brother wanted to have his girlfriend join in the festivities.
Well it would seem that my step mother threw a giant fit and even my dad ran away to hide from her.
I can’t believe she doesn’t even like my brothers girlfriend.
It’s ridiculous.
I’m getting more and more anxious and I want to just not go at all.
I want to fake an illness or my car breaking down.
I just dont’ want to be in that environment.
i’d love to see my dad and siblings (especially my sister) but my step mom is suddenly on my "I really don’t wanna" list.
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t want to go at all.
It’s not worth it to feel like I"m in some sort of anxiety ridden state.
And it’s such a long drive I don’t want to just go long enough to eat and then leave.
i don’t know.
5 more minutes of work.
Big bumm bumm… Is your home big enough to host something? Screw it, invite your bro’s n sister’s and whoever the hell else over… do it YOUR way. ??
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Family. Dontcha love ’em?
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Really sounds like your step-mother is a shrew. I know what it’s like to crave acceptance. Sometimes though-it doesn’t come. And other times, when you least expect it, it does. I know my parents aren’t overly thrilled with the life I chose but at least they love and respect me enough to put on a brave face. But I realized that I would never be happy if I lived for them.
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And it took a really long time. It took my mother a little over a year, and it took my father over two years. But I know that in situations where the parents just want the best for the child sometimes it works better to let them go at their own pace. My parents are extremely religious so I let them come to terms with it on their own-but I made it very clear that Sheri was not going anywhere.
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For a stepmother, she gets deeeeply involved in her stepkids’ business, it seems.
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I can relate. I definitely don’t want my wife to have to put up with my family on Thanksgiving, and even getting and accepting an invitation isn’t getting us totally out of Thanksgiving at home. I do think it will minimize the impact to just the meal, at least.
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So don’t go! My dad’s brother is a huge racist and he always has Thanksgiving for their side at his house. I haven’t been in YEARS and even though I would love to see the other members of my family, I won’t put my husband through my uncle’s bullshit.
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Wow! Well at least now you know its her, not you. I say go and sort of ignore her like she does Baboo. Enjoy your family. Act like she isn’t there.
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Wish ya luck with it hun! HUGS
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You know what, seriously, fuk it! You make your food, pile your wonderfully beautiful family into your new car and make your way to the ‘rents house, while singing Christmas carols. When you get there, but through the door and completly steal the show. I am SO not kidding! Be Martha fukn Stewart *big ups to MS*. Enjoy the day. Be overly happy and excited about everything and when she starts beinga bitch, just flip it around in the same second. This is my defense to EVERYTHING. It works.
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Tell them you have plans during their thing… have something at your house, a small thing. Tell them all they’re invited. Then the ball is in their court.. if you can’t host, ask them out to eat… Or just bring him and give her an eat sh** and die look. ??
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I always try to make “those” kinds of family engagements (you know, the uncomfortable kind)at short as possible.
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Tell her to shut up, she’s not your mother, you’re not her daughter, AND you’re a 30 year old woman, you do not report to her, your life is your own, and if she doesn’t like it, she can figure out where to stick it.
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I say just go and keep the peace! We have issues in Craig’s family, too, but we know if we don’t attend family functions it’ll make problems worse! There was a situation with Craig and his bro. Had we not attended T-Giving this last Sun the situation would have been made worse cause then the whole family would have known and we would look stupid! Better we went and kept the peace! Went very well!
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call your dad, sweetie. see what he says. and if you have to, talk to your stepmom. get things straight, make her undestand that it’s not fair for her to judge before she even knows a person or a situation.
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She has the problem. Don’t let your stepmom run you off. You want to spend time with your family and you should be allowed to do it. Just stay away from her.
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Boo it sucks when one family member ruins it for everyone! Not fair.
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