I’m not going anywhere…


Why am I on Facebook again?

I just got into an argument with some little twerp who commented on a picture that I tagged my brother in (we went to the beach). I asked him who he was and he got all snippy and when I figured out who he was I apologized and said I hoped I didn’t seem rude and then he straight up called me rude anyway! After I apologized!!!!!! ah!!!!

So… I had to remove all his dumb comments and untag my brother in the picture. I mean HONESTLY…. I think if it’s my picture I’m allowed to ask who is posting comments just so I’m sure it’s not some crazy person.


I also got a terrible sunburn on my face. I can feel it burning. DAMN SUN. I haven’t gotten one of those in a while. I forgot to put on sunblock, worrying about everyone else.


I have a few entries to write, including:

*Why my husband is going to drive me crazy

*Why my daddy is sorta mean to mean (but I still love him)

*How I know my child really and truly loves me!

but today, I’m writing something that I’m not seeing much of these days…



Yeah, I may not write and note as much as I used to. Things changed when I got home and wasn’t stuck in front of my computer for 8 hours a day and the ability to multi task and do great work *ching* (that was a smile) and also slack with the best of them! ha ha!

(god the SUNBURN!!!!)

But I still love this place. I love that I come here and while a lot of my favs have disappeared, so many of you still come write and I can smoosh myself into this corner of your lives and make a little home and have tea and crumpets and dance around and hug you and love you and all of everything and more!!!!

I’m not very social (if you know me, I hate most people. I just cannot stand "them." I avoid them. It won’t change). For over 10 years, OD has BEEN my social. It has been my way to make friends and be myself and know that people love me for the very insanity that IS ME and it has been a way for me to give my own special brand of love to so many of you and to make some unbreakable and AMAZING bonds with some of you… 

I mean, I met my damn HUSBAND on this site for goodness sake!

I may have other things I do.

I tried Blogger but writing in a void sorta made me feel crazy and while i may do some creative stuff with it, I will never be able to be "myself" on blogger.

I may make a tumblr, but only for Humanity Scar stuff. And ramblings that I can’t do on Facebook because everyone is up my butt there and I can’t be ME on facebook. I’m PG happy cutesie me on facebook. and all I post are baby pictures anyway (or get in fights over nothing or annoyed or crazed or  or or…)

I have a twitter. but my personal one gets maybe one message a year out of me. lol. My humanity scar gets a message a week if I’m thinking about it (gotta change that, it’s a great marketing tool….)

I don’t have pinterest. I don’t even understand it yet. I’m THAT behind the rest of you. I truly am.

I have wordpress, but that is all creative related as well. I have no plans to make that my nesting ground either. 

VOID. i tell you. void.


except that sentence. it wanted all of the capitals. all of them.

i can’t use them anymore.

anyway… so i’m not going.

so if you do care, i’m here. I’ll keep poking around your diaries. I’ll clean the cobwebs if you like. I’ll drink tea in your dark corners. I’ll dance in your empty hallways. I’ll store up all my love in hope chests waiting for you to come back to me.

But I’m not going anywhere.

You can always add me on facebook. and stare at my baby. and wonder why I do that. and then get tired of me most likely. lol.

You can always follow a tumblr if you care about my Humanity Scar Zombie crap. Same with my twitter. I don’t even have a tumblr yet. so … yeah.

If I got a pinterest, nobody would like it.

honestly? pinterest scares me. it’s too cute. and cute. and full of pressure. to be CUTE. I’m so not cute. 

you can go to my bloggers and wordpresses and websites and be awesome like that, but it will never EVER ever EVER


replace OD.

OD is my home.

I wuvs it here.

wuv! is bigger than luv.


I promise, I’m not drunk.

Seriously. I love OD. I’ll keep downloading my diary when I think about it (and pray they fix the whole favs only entries don’t download thing cuz THAT SUCKS) and writing and reading and noting when I can. Who knows, maybe I’ll be back in full force one day.

You know i love you.

I know you love me.

So I’m not going anywhere.

And that’s that.

Now… I gotta go find some aloe vera or SOMETHING for my burning up face from hell! GOD SUNBURNS SUCK!

loveyoupeople! *muah!*


*oh, and if you HAVE written about leaving OD, don’t take offense. I understand why you go and do other things and some of you ROCK on your other blogs and things, and others are like me and just want other things to be FOR OTHER THINGS, so don’t get mad or weird. You know i love you!!!! even if you leave and never come back. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

just like, tell me where you’re going, give me your email or facebook or something. I want to keep all my precious ones in my precious pocket…. my preciousssssss





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        Humanity Scar   




 (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

Log in to write a note
August 3, 2013

I know what you mean nothing would be the same as Open Diary for me either. It’s where I come to write. I don’t have it in me to write Open Diary into a search engine and not think about it for nothing. I love this place. Writing in another place wouldn’t be the same for me. I’ll be going out with Open Diary. My friends here are valuable to me I wouldn’t want to lose this website.

August 3, 2013

The only thing I’ve been able to deal with doing is joining the lifeboat. I don’t want to jump the gun and move to prosebox or some shit before its time. Everyone talking about this being a sinking ship and how that sucks and then going off somewhere is just making it sink faster. I’m here, with my sometimes entries and my crappy never notes. But still here.

August 4, 2013

i like OD as well

I’m not sure you even read me anymore, but I still read you! I feel the same about OD and I have been here for over 10 years just like you. Those blog sites are just not the same. They don’t work the same and the people aren’t the aame!

August 4, 2013

Like hell I’m leaving! Sure, I’m backing my entries up, but anyone that’s been through a blackout does that. I’ve signed up for the lifeboat, just in case, but this place… like you said, it’s home. This place has showered me with blessings over the last 12, almost 13 (!) years, not the least of which has been some truly good friends, and I’ll be damned if I bail over some server maintenance issue.

August 4, 2013

I’m not leaving either! I like this site too much. It makes me sad that things aren’t the same but I won’t leave!

As long as OD is up and running, I’ll be here. I am a horrible noter, but there are a ton of people that I read and have read for years and years. I wouldn’t know what to do if OD disappeared, but it’s nice to have a back-up plan. Though nothing will ever replace OD. I wish Bruce would take better care of this site.

August 4, 2013

Even if it is a sinking ship. I will be here with you until it sinks because like you said, this is home. I believe I am signed up for lifeboat and am aware of Prosebox, but it just doesn’t hold for what OD does for me. So until it’s gone, OD is where I write and read and make connections. <3

August 4, 2013

ryn: rofl..oh my god, ..oh seriously, that killed me. *whispers*…tell me your secrets, DragonKite..

August 4, 2013

I’m sticking it out! I just can’t imagine having any place else feel like home the way OD is!

August 4, 2013

I don’t write much, but I sign on every day to read 🙂 <3 Annie-Rae

August 4, 2013

Readers choice vote….love this diary

August 4, 2013

*laughs* i am going to be here to the bitter end, as well. smooshes you too.

August 4, 2013

oh hey, btw, vinegar will help take the red and sting out of a sunburn, even if you smell a bit pickleish for a bit.

August 4, 2013

RYN: Thanks.

August 4, 2013

I’m not going anywhere either. <3

I aint going anywhere either, and even if it dies, i’m not going to look for something else. Chris

August 4, 2013

Im never leaving either! i did create a prosebox, but that is more of a back up … you know, just in case. Im on Tumblr!!! What is your tumblr name or what ever its called? im on twitter and more active on that for bitching about things. LOL Facebook, Im more PC on it too… i try to be. I shall stalk you and find you! muahahahaha oh and I hate people too.. im annoyed tonight so grrrr

August 5, 2013

I’m so glad your here and not going anywhere, you’re awesome! I’ve been reading you since I found this place.

YOU SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE A TUMBLR!!! RAWR! …srsly though. That website is so oddly addicting.

August 5, 2013

totally feel the same. there isn’t really another site quite like OD.