I’m Moonatic! (or a mooninite, go ATHF!)

So it’s decided… I’m gonna go black! I miss it. I think I looked nice. So I gotta actually have 20 bucks because I just now realize how hard it is for me to dye ALL of my hair with only one kit, so I have to buy two. That’s about 20 bucks. Who knows when I’ll have it, but i hope I have it next paycheck. I wonder what I can give up for the sake of my vanity…

some food? gasoline? new shoes for jacob? Ha ha. I’m kidding. I wouldn’t sacrifice those things JUST to dye my hair….



Anyway! There was a full moon last night. I think it made me crazy. (for those that are confused about my title, ATHF is Aqua Teen Hunger Force which is this crazy ridiculous Adult Swim show that I love and there are these two crazy characters called Mooninites and I love them…)

I was so restless and FAR from tired. I have been going to bed at like 10:00 for the last couple weeks because I’ve just been exhausted. But not last night. I was WIRED. Not to mention I took this energy vitamin thing at around 7 (right before my work out, to try and help me burn cals) so I think that had me all keyed up too. I am going to take it right before I leave work (with a tiny snack) today and see if that changes things. If I take it any earlier it makes me feel all weird because of the B vitamins or something. Makes me feel all crazy and wobbly and almost buzzed. ha.

Anyway, so I tried to go to sleep around 10:30 because Baboo was tired and didn’t want to talk to me anymore. ha ha. But I was restless. Watched some porn. Had an O. Rolled around in my bed and finally passed out around midnight. Crazyville jones!

I even did a ridiculously boring video entry that I will not torture anyone with. But I might do one tonight.

I’m still all bent about my Sims. I have to re gear my brains to play again because I miss my old familes! I loved them! *sniff sniff*

so I’m eavesdropping on the little spanish speaking lady and I actually understood a few phrases! Maybe the rosetta stone does work! I need to do some more of that soon. I’m such a damn slacker.

What else, what else.

OH! So my job is doing that big So Cali earthquake drill today at 10:00. We will all have to get under our desks when the alarm goes off and we can’t come out until we get an all clear. I seriously hope they don’t make us sit under there the ENTIRE time of the drill (which is like 2 hours or something) cuz I’ll lose it. Blah! Not fun! I should have brought a pillow and a blanket with me today. ha ha.

Ok, so I guess I should go get some work done before the drill. I have a few hours. Maybe I’ll just read favs.

ha ha!

(oh and does my new avatar show up? that was me back when my hair was black earlier this year or whatever. I so want it back, and I shall haaaave it!)

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November 13, 2008

What kind of vitamens are you taking??? I need some!!

November 13, 2008

I would totally bring a blanket and pillow and take a nap.

November 13, 2008

Yes – You’re picture shows up and looks nice. You’re SO TOTALLY 100% on saying you should’ve brought a blanket and pillow – Me too and we don’t even have a drill. *yawns*

hope you don’t have to sit under your desk for two hours! i’d be so antsy. i think i’m leaving work early… meh. :-/

RANDOM here. Black is awesome. GO for it!!

November 13, 2008

haha. i work at a hopsital and they are setting it all up like they are receiving injured people from 10AM-3PM! glad that i have school today!

November 13, 2008

I love AquaTeen!!

I can only imagine if Florida had hurricane evacuation drills. Yikes. I miss California. I’d be so excited to do a drill. lol

November 14, 2008

drills suck