Ice Cream Fixes Everything!
I just had some SCRUMPTIOUS Coldstones. MMMM! So good! Marshmallow ice cream with roasted almonds and chocolate chips. it was like backwards rocky road. so good!
I feel much happier now. Oh yes. My stupid credit union cancelled all of their atm cards and sent out new ones. I didn’t know this until I tried to use mine today. OOPS! I’m completely broke except for the money I pull out of my savings every month (it gets taken my check), so I really need to get to that cash. I am hoping that the card was in the pile of mail I took from my dads house last time I was there. The credit union refuses to change my address for some reason.
anyway, that sorta sucked and someone had to front me. We were all pitching in for some chinese. yeah yeah, money i just DON’T have. *sigh*
Anyway, it’s the last splurge i get for the next two weeks. I’m in strict STRICT budget mode. I’m hoping to get the following from the store (I know grocery lists are thrilling!) with a budget of 75 dollars. That’s right… 75 dollars for food for TWO WEEKS. Jesus god…
* 2 loaves of bread
*balogna (baloney. whatever) (we already have enough peanut butter and jelly to last for awhile)
*Jello and crackers (I know weird, but i want my kids lunches to be a LITTLE exciting)
*Ground beef or some other cheap meat (I’m hoping I can get about 10 pounds of meat…)
to last me 2 weeks.
heaven help me. I’m so damn broke right now. Stupid fucking babysitter. I’d be FINE if she didn’t charge me.
but I’m not fine.
I thought I"d be more fine, but with the overdraft I fucked up.
i want to cry.
in other news, i’m still fed up with OD people. Bunches of idiots roam the land.
I happen to be a lone idiot. Howling at the moon.
Anyway, I’m working on chapter 6 of my story. It’s starting to rev back up in my mind. wheee!
but I must also work.
it’s ok, I have ice creamin my belly. and it was goood.
did i mention I had a waffle bowl too?
Jesus made waffle bowls.
Yes. he did.
Coldstone is proof that there is a god and he wants us to be happy! Well Coldstone and nachos…. What about nacho flavored ice cream! Eww… on second thought…. No, that doesn’t sound to good. I hate being broke too, if I could find some rich gay guy, I would take it in the ass for a million $. Who am I joking I would do that for $100,000, maybe even 25 >.< I hate being broke.
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*hug* And stop writing so fast!! I’m falling behind!
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I hate money too!! booooooo
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That ice cream sounds DIVINE,,,me WANTEE…glad you klike me…big hugs for you x x
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I hate being broke. Being a single mom sucks ass
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I have completely stopped grocery shopping myself because every time I do I wind up spending to much and coming out with less than I thought I’d get. Now I just shop as the days go on. Mostly lately we’ve been surviving off of those cheap TV dinners.
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