I want him there

Well I got a good question in a note, and I’m sure other people might be wondering about it, so rather than just note her back (which I’ll do after I write this), I’ll write an entry.

Work is getting on my nerves anyway. I feel scatterbrained and I can’t focus for crap.

Ok, so the note basically asked why I was paying for my bf to go on the trip when it’s my birthday.

Well, he is paying for his half of the airfare and room, which is just getting recycled back into our spending money. That’s about 300 bucks. We might have had $1000 to spend there, but it’ll probably be somewhere around $800… maybe $900 if I can budget properly. I sitll have to pay my bills, car insurance, and my mother for this months worth of childcare. I can’t get TOO crazy. But we’ll see.

ANYWAY, back to the question… why would I pay for him ANYWAY?

Well, the way I look at it, I am the one who wanted to go on a trip. He didn’t ask to go and if I had planned to go alone or with other friends who might have been able to swing it, he couldn’t have said no. If he had wanted to go and I couldn’t pay for him, he could have paid for himself if he really wanted to.

The bottom line is that I wanted to go and I wanted him with me, so I paid for it. I’m sure if he could, he’d have paid for it all, but money sucks and so do bills and debt and just getting overwhelmed. I am fortunate enough to have gotten a good tax return, and while a more wise and prudent thing to do would have been to pay off bills or save it… I wanted to do something big for my birthday. I haven’t really done much for years and yeah I’m turning the big 3-0. I gotta go out of my 20’s with a bang!

A part of me is sad. It is screaming that I should have done the more mature thing with my money. I could have been more thrifty, but we only live once and money is money. I am not behind on any of my bills right now and if I am blessed, I won’t get a demotion or lose my job anytime this year, so I should be ok. I can only take it one day at a time anyway, so worrying about what might be only makes me crazy and does no good.

So yeah, even if he wasn’t able to put in money for our trip, I’d still have paid for him. Just like if Love Muffin had been able to come, I would have paid for her or Kim or whatever to have a room and food. Because I wanted them there, so I would be willing to make sure they could make it if possible. I wasn’t able to save enough money to help pay for anyones trip there, so it sorta fell through, so it’s just Baboo and I now. But that’s ok, maybe another year. I don’t think Vegas is going anywhere and they can really have some good deals on rooms and such, so who knows! I might get my girls trip one year!

so yeah, it’s not that he’s mooching or I’m doing something because I feel like I have to. I wanted my Baboo with me so I made sure he was there.

That’s all 🙂

So I guess this means I have to go back to work.




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yayyyyyyy for your vegas trip! i can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back!

April 13, 2009

I totally get that and it’s probably something I would have done.

April 13, 2009

Makes sense to me

April 13, 2009

OMG 4 freakkin days until VEGAS BABY!!!! RYN: Glad you liked the pics…xxxxxxxxxx

April 13, 2009

makes sense!

April 13, 2009

Aw you are so sweet. I hope he appreciates you. And you do definitely deserve this! It’s what we work so hard for right?

April 14, 2009

lol… question answered…hahaha

April 14, 2009

I would probably do the same thing for my BF or friends if I wanted to go on a trip.