I wanna be a writer!











 You know what DOESN’T look delicious in photos? PUDDING.

It always looks slightly wrong and disturbing.

Go ahead, google chocolate pudding and see for yourself.

AND NO, nothing super gross showed up, just pudding. (My search is filtered for my safety tho) ha ha…













So, about the Nanowrimo…

First of all, it’s one of the few "Monthly challenges" that I participate in. I think it is probably the first made that I know of (I know that makes no sense, leave me alone! ha ha). It’s basically a challenge to authors to write a 50k word (or more) novel in 30 days. I often dont’ complete the novel in 50 k words, and finish up after the 30 days. I have only reached the goal twice. 2006 and 2008.

I mentioned my 2008 win here:I won that biatch!

Anyway, it really is all about personal achievement. Though last year you got a free printed manuscript from this company, but I didn’t edit mine in time to get it. Oh well. *pout*

Maybe one day.

I think when I’m like 50 I’ll have the time to farm my novels out and maybe someone will say "wow! She has talent!" and they’ll publish me and I’ll come into a lot of money and spend my golden years in hawaii!


I have no idea how to go about making that happen sooner.


Anyway I think I’m gonna dive into a zombie story this year. In 06 I did Petit Noir (which can be found on my diary in it’s own chapter) which is about a disturbed crazy chick. ha ha. The sequel to that is Blue Blue Dress (in a chapter in my OD), which is not complete. I need to finish that bitch.

Last year I did Trigger, which is about vampires. Also found here in it’s own chapter. It too was meant to be written in a trilogy, but I haven’t gotten the spark to finish it.

So this year, I want to do zombies. Either that or something fantasy driven. Not sure yet.

I have about 3 weeks to decide. I do like to have my character outlines and crap done though.


So this friday is Bosses day and my staff is taking me and my supervisor to lunch today at Lawrys, which is supposed to be super delicious.

I brought left over pizza…

I guess that’ll wait for tomorrow!


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October 14, 2009

i want to be taken out for lunch!!! *pout* but maybe i’ll just eat at my cafe world cafe =)

October 14, 2009


October 14, 2009

Sweet! You really are talented. And it only takes one book on Oprah to become a millionaire!!! DO IT! I think I’m gonna find your stuff and print it to read at my leisure, rather than harried at work. How did you start writing? DId you go to college? Have you ever got WRiters Digest or what not, those magazines for writers? Just curious/nosy cuz this has also been a dream of mine.

October 14, 2009

I give you the utmost credit for tackling, not to mention winning, Nanowrimo. Each year I tell myself I’ll enter and each year I never do. I’m always nervous about my talents as a writer. I have read some of your Trigger and see you ooze with talent. Lucky swine! I may seriously attempt it this year. Try and write an original zombie tale. They’re very rare.

October 14, 2009

I’ve seen you show up at a couple of my fave’s diaries so I decided to come over for a peek. God help you, I like you. 🙂 So this is me saying hi, I shall be stalking you now with an occassional note thrown in as well!

October 14, 2009

YAY for everything. Honestly I don’t even have the energy to YAY. Blech.

October 14, 2009

WHY MUST YOU DO THAT TO ME… after i read it i HAD togo look up pudding lol