I gotta pee, wanna come with?

HERE’S SOME THINGS! (stop yelling… ok…)

* I have to pee. Frappucino pee. yes.

*I’m starving. I forgot to eat cuz of the caffeine, but as the wave of *wiggle wiggle zizzle zizz* subsides, I am feeling my stomach screaming. I have spaghetti and it is calling to me.

*Someone had tacos earlier. The smell was like heaven on a biscuit… or a tortilla… or whatever. lol. My brother is making tacos tonight, so my craving will be satisified!

*I got a kitten update. Ember is looking frazzled and tired and she has taken a few short breaks, but like a good mommy she goes right back to her babies! aww! I can’t wait to see what the sexes are (and pick our girl… Baboo is gonna kill me…)

*I’ve decided to get that Advatage or Advantix or WHATEVER for the fleas. I haven’t noticed an infestation on any furniture or anything yet, so I’m hoping we got it all early….

*Work is a butt. I’ve done a few things, but I realize it’s time for audits and crap and I really don’t want to do them. I hate the audits! (I’m not getting audited, I’m the one adminstering them, and it just sucks riding peoples asses to get me crap for the next few weeks)

*You’d think riding asses is fun. but it’s not.

* I have added about 5 new applications on Facebook… in addition to the ones I already play. It’s getting out of hand! lol. Especially since only one or two other friends play them all with me, I feel ridiculous. But I get bored, so I play. But I still love farming, bitching (sorority life), and mafiaing the most.

* I am ridiculous.

*the pee is imininent.

*i spelled that wrong

* don’t care

*but i sorta do



*lunch countdown: 22 minutes

*I might die in 21

*Please send flowers

*I like tulips, purple roses, and tiger lilies

*TIGAR LILLY!!! (In a captain hook from peter pan voice)



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September 2, 2009

Dude. You are hilarious hopped up on caffeine!!!

September 2, 2009

I’ll go! I have to pee too!!

September 2, 2009

Coffee + you = lolz! ryn: Hubby is getting VENI VIDI VICI in giant letters (font is called Augustus) on his upper arm like this: | | | VENI | | | | VIDI | | | | VICI | | |

September 2, 2009

damn! that didn’t work!!! that was supposed to look like an arm with the text…stupid note formatting! 😛

I felt as if the flea drops had lost their effectiveness and tried Comfortis this month. It really seems to be working well for my dogs. Just thought I’d share!

ummm. did you just invite me to pee with you?

September 2, 2009

Share da coffee!

🙂 Kittens. yay! Chris

go pee!!

September 2, 2009

RYN re SL- I think I’m gonna start saving $$ instead of trying to win fights too… What helps tho is if I stay off it… but then I get on to do some activities and I see that I got attacked and then I get pissed and then I wanna slap bitches and punch ’em and kick ’em and pull their hair & attack ’em and I almost can’t help myself. 🙂


September 2, 2009

Aww, you’re keeping a kitty? Cuteness!! I’m eager for pics. ryn – I think I eat a lot more than other people now, food is on my mind quite often – like you with you lunch countdown!! I get wound up now because I love food, and I want to eat lots of it, but my silly mind won’t let me sometimes. It’s crap. But now I’m home and will stuff my face.

September 2, 2009

I have no idea what you’re saying!

September 2, 2009

have I ever told you how much fun you are to read?

September 2, 2009

You. Are Cracked! LOL! 🙂

September 3, 2009

are you sure you’re not on crack?

September 3, 2009

lol do you not have a lot of experience with caffeine? I wish one frappuccino made me that loopy!