I feel like i’m gonna explode








 we had a breakfast thingie for my boss today. there were tiny baby  blueberry muffins.

and they were delicious.
















My brain is very tensed out right now. I can’t focus and I feel like I’m "missing" something.

I really hate trying to track down my boss and get her to sign stuff.

I’m tired of doing work in general today.

I feel like I’m gonna jump out of my skin! ugh!

I want to go home, curl up in my down comforter, and read. Then fall asleep.
Wake up and read some more.


I’m glad I don’t have to cook dinner tonight.

I will, however, be driving all over america.

I gotta get Baboo and then we are going to eat and then home.

I sorta want to go to the gym, but maybe saturday.

I’m tired.

my bones feel weary.

i want to go to the doctor and be done with worrying about what my body is or isn’t doing.

i want to get divorced and remarried (crazy right?)

I want to have my last baby and be happy.

I want all of these things to already have happened so I can be thinking of the next  list of things that I want to happen.

I need to chill.

Log in to write a note

*sigh* i hope all of those things you want will work out for you sonner rather than later. 🙂 this day is loooong and boring. where’s friday at?

October 15, 2009

I want to have my last baby and be happy too.

Divorced and remarried? Are you crazy? :op

October 15, 2009

hahahaha…that last comment about wanting that stuff to already have happened so you can get your next list togther is very telling. You have good insight. That mind set – always having the next “list” – is probably the key to the human condition of never actually being happy… 🙂 Ah well…we’re all in the same unhappy boat!

October 15, 2009

I WANT, I WANT, I WANT! Now you’re talking like a girl.

October 15, 2009

the second book is way better than the first. I actually read the second book before I read any of the rest – it’s what got me hooked to begin with. It was nice to read the first book to get the back story – but the third book drags and she messes up at the end. She says on one page that she tells two people something, then a few chapters later when the character is talking to someone she thinks that she wishes she had told the other people about it – but she did, three chapters before! I hate when there are errors like that, hate hate hate.

October 16, 2009

Yeah, I think we all need to chill lovey!

October 17, 2009

those box muffins look scrumptdiddlyumptious!