I barely made it *edit*

I can’t believe I made it.


Seriously… just SHWEW!

It was so hot in that training room.

but i learned a few sad things.

I won’t be able to OD as much. Like i should do it as much as I am, but they will be able to better monitor internet activity, and while they aren’t prohibiting some personal use, excessive amounts of time spent online or doing repeated actions can trigger a red flag and an investigation.


so i shall probably be writing mega stupid entries in word and then posting them.




i fell asleep 3 times.

ha ha.

stupid hot boring training.

I’m ready to go home and get this trick or treating out of the way. and even though I realize that I should NOT get it, i’m going to buy my Final Fantasty game. Did i mention I woke up to a commercial for it?

I must have it.

It consumes me.

I’m retarded.

leave me alone.

2.5 hours of work left. let me survive.

i had something I wanted to write about.

oh well, i forget.

gonna try to read some favs… while i still can! *gulp*


ok, i remembered. i love the yahoo and OD title graphics for Halloween.

that is all.

kiss my ass on the way out.

with fervor!


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October 31, 2006

i have 2 hours of work to go too. sigh. then i get to take the SUBWAY home. :s

October 31, 2006

One hour left for me.

*MWAH!* ;-p

so i shouldnt send you a picture of my limited edition tin?? 😀 ::huggles:: <3 You rock teh socks. Chris

October 31, 2006

the google ones are pretty rad too. od’s are different? i avoid the front page cause of the thrilling news from those in love feature ahahha

October 31, 2006

yeah i could go for some nachos too.

October 31, 2006

No more O.D.ing on OD? Say it ain’t so….

October 31, 2006
November 1, 2006

that SUCKS!!!! but the word thing is s good idea.. what are/were the boys for halloween??