Good bye secret Google Chat…


 *E: And I woke up today thinking it was wednesday. I am sorely disappointed that it is Tuesday.

Aww fooey. It looks like my reign of secret gmail chat terror is over. It won’t load this morning, so maybe they re-blocked it.

Whatever! How rude!


I’ll miss being able to chat with Baboo. We can still email, but it’s suckier.

My back kills today and I slept in weird positions and woke up at weird angles. blah.

Is it wrong I was hoping to get woken up by some sex? Alas, it was not to be.

I have an interview to administrate tomorrow. I haven’t done one in over a year. It pretty much sucks.


I’ll get through it.

So last night Jacob, in all his clumsy glory, fell with the back of his head into the corner of a doorframe… and got a nice little goose egg for his troubles. I had him put ice on it and stay awake for an hour or so after. He seemed ok, but the bump did not go down. When I went to check on him this morning, the lump was still there and I decided he should stay home… with Baboo! ha ha.

If it’s not more normalized when I get home I’m gonna take him to the Dr. I’m hoping Baboo keeps a close eye on him so that if he acts weird or is dizzy or anything he can let me know and I’ll leave work early and take him.

Why does my child INSIST on being injured? He just got over his broken toe and now he’s trying to break his damn head!

Last night was uneventful.

I came home with the children, they bombarded us with their special brand of "love" until dinner. by then it was time to take showers and go to bed. (But not before Jacob could try to kill himself)

Then Baboo and I watched some Lost and I passed out to him playing Call of Duty.

My brother is getting more and more introverted. Once again, I have no idea what to do with him. I finally got him the money from Western Union that his dad sent to him. It was only 50 bucks, but it got reduced to 49 for a dumb check cashing fee. Whatever the case, he got even MORE depressed after that. He sits in his room with the blanket over his head. sometimes he doesn’t even have the television on.

I don’t have any solutions.

I’d say counseling, but I have a feeling it would just be a waste of time. He won’t be getting GOOD counseling. He’ll be getting some weird half ass bullshittery because Kaiser is a piece of shit.



I should go.

I’m so upset over my chat being gone again.

stupid chat!!!!

Log in to write a note

Is he maybe…you know….touching himself?

January 12, 2010

Aw, I hate it when my chat thing (I use MSN) goes down. I’m a chat whore ha ha. I’m really sorry things aren’t going well with your brother 🙁 Sucks that there isn’t decent help available for you. Hugs!

January 12, 2010

sorry to hear about your brother… your poor child!! he is always hurting himself.. well on a good note… i was awoken to sex this morning! 🙂 hehe

klutzy childhood injuries build character! just look at me! by the time i was 10 i had broken 3 bones, in addition to many scrapes, sprains, and scars… but maybe now i have TOO much character? huh?

how can we be expected to work in a chat-free environment???? UNFAIR!

Damn the man! the man is really pissing me the damn hell off today!!! Maybe your brother should get a diary? It could help, you know. Get some of the teenage angst out.

January 12, 2010

Poor brother. 🙁

Hope things get figured out with your brother soon. 🙁 It’s sad to see other people so sad and depressed. 🙁 Poor Jacob and his injuries! Wrap him in bubblewrap, I say!

RYN: Yeah, but it’s a good hurt. bring ’em on. 😉

January 12, 2010

I like logging into yahoo one my work browswer and using that chat, work won’t let me use google talk… BUT I do have a Droid phone (Cause I am an uber star wars nerd) and it has google and aim but I can’t find a good YIM chat client for it >.< oh well email isn’t too bad. Damn! I want morning wake up sex too… but none for me either….

January 12, 2010

I have had those experiences with counseling…

=( Big hugs to you sweetie pie <3

January 12, 2010

I’d talk to him or try to find him counseling-does he have any friends at his school? I mean the kid has been through a hell of a lot-find out what his interests are, favorite foods, favorite games, favorite movies, etc and try to coerce him out of his hole. It’s not healthy to stayed pent up in the bedroom all the time. He’s still young, he needs a parent and a friend to talk to him and guide him. I don’t know what the set up of your house is but there should be a big living room which is the meeting place for everyone to spend time together-not go to your seperate corners of the house and entertain yourselves. My best memories as a child would be when my father would come home from work and we’d have “Floor Night” where we all would just lay in the middle of the living room on our backs and share out stories from the week and reconnect as a family. We had 6 people in our house, it was the only time other than dinner we were all together.

January 12, 2010

Call the social worker and tell her that he needs services. I am a protective services worker in San Diego and we have resources to provide counseling when its needed. Also, what kind of case is it? is the goal for him to go back to your mom?

January 12, 2010

Gchat goes down alot. It’s annoying, but all I got. lol. Does your bro participate in any of the activities you do? What does he like to do?

January 12, 2010

I feel for your brother. Sucky help is better than no help tho.

January 12, 2010

I keep thinking it’s Wednesday too!

January 12, 2010

I guess…there’s not much of a solution for the apparent loss of the Google chat thing, but hope the other two issues manage to work themselves out! (Sucks ya lost your easier way of chatting anyway!) And, as broaching one of the other issues, hope Jacob’s head is alright, and the lump decides to start going down for him! I can see how ya don’t want him to have any possible signs

January 12, 2010

of a concussion, as that’s really concerning, so glad you feel the need to keep and eye on that, even when you’re not directly home with him! (In that case, I also hope Baboo does keep a paticularly closer look on him today!)

January 12, 2010

Shouldn’t you be doing some work instead of having secret chats?!!! I slept well last night but was still knackered this morning, but I have college tomorrow so it feels like a thursday for me really, nearly the weekend (where I have more work to do)!! Hope the bump goes down. Later.

January 12, 2010

If you can get into your gmail, you can chat. But then again, I use email at work instead of my gmail, but instantaneous is always the best route. The kid is okay, its just a booboo, newphew did the same thing. As long as he can walk it off, he’ll be fine. RYN: Thanks. 27lbs to go.

January 12, 2010

Take your brother out to dinner, just you and him – talk to him. xoxo

January 12, 2010

aww that sucks! how mean! hope ur lil guy is ok, head injuries are always scary. and the situation with ur brother is sad. I think he’s prob just feeling lonely and unwanted and depressed. Even tho Kaiser counseling may suck, its better that nothing the longer he stays like that in the lonely dark state it’ll just get worse ya know. well i hope something happens for him soon.

January 12, 2010

Down to the chat nazis!

January 12, 2010

Your mom has done a number on your little bro 🙁 Did you get your Google Chat back?

January 12, 2010

I love to chat while i’m at work….haha but with this new job, don’t think it’ll be possible.

January 12, 2010

Elizabeth constantly turns and runs into things (door frames, walls, etc) and she has what I hope is NOT a permanent bruise on her forehead…

January 12, 2010

You should pick one day out of the week to have time with your brother. Once a week. Just you and him. The more time you spend with him the more he’ll talk. Just act like you guys are having chill time. Eventually he’ll open up when he’s feeling he can trust you. I hope he’s ok.

January 12, 2010

the chat might be a good use for google wave. Finally, it gets a use!

January 13, 2010
January 13, 2010

Ha-HA! I still got my google talk! NOW! Only if I had some friends to chat with….

January 13, 2010

is there anyone at his school he can talk to? they should have some services that can help maybe.. or a club or something to fill some of his time in?

January 13, 2010

Ouch poor Jacob!

January 26, 2010

Your bro sounds like he could benefit from writing,drawing or some other creative Form of expression. I know u remember what it was like at 14. The boy got it hard so he supa mommii Sister gotta come up with a plan