Glorious Distractions….


I’m gonna marry him.

hahahahah, yes, i’m regressing to 14… cuz for some strange reason I suddenly have an insane crush on Matthew McConaughey (can we have a harder to spell last name?… perhaps, but don’t try it)


I saw Frailty the other night (I seriously want to buy that movie on dvd, i love it) and suddenly I’m obsessed. I know he’s in that movie "How to lose a guy in 10 days"  (which I watched a few weeks ago)and i thought he was a muffin in that one… but for some reason. Now I want to see him in all of his movies. but I don’t want to see any biatches kiss on him. he’s MY MAN!

yeah whatever.

he’s delicious.


even with no hurr.



and he doesn’t need a shirt either.

or pants…

but I can’t seem to find a picture of that.

I’ll have to write him a letter and request a personal appearance.



glorious distractions!

TOTALLY OFF SUBJECT… but umm.. ashley simpson is threatening to drive me insane with this "ello" song.. or whatever she’s singing about. i know i hate it, but i’m gonna sing it all the time and feel like I like it… when i know i truly hate it.


oh love…

that’s what she’s spelling.

shoot me now.


ok, sheesh, i feel better now.


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lol 🙂 *hug*

December 12, 2005

He is gorgeous, isn’t he? Shirt off, shirt on, bald, bearded – it doesn’t matter. Homina homina. Frailty was an excellent movie. Well worth owning on DVD. 🙂 *huggles* ~

December 12, 2005

thanks for the eye candy your hubby to be is one hott mo fo!

December 12, 2005

my friend and I once put Guy in 10 Days on pause to see him without his shirt… and the accent… mm… he can play congos naked in my house anytime.

December 12, 2005

Hey, if we girls can’t have our fantasies what can we have ? 🙂 *hug* PS: Pls invite me to wedding

December 12, 2005
December 13, 2005

*melts* He’s HAWT in these pics!

Can we share him?! he makes me drool lol <3 Annie-Rae