get off your ass

Did I mention that I haven’t gained any weight still?

Yeah, I gained .2 of a pound since last week. I think I’m losing weight and baby is just replacing it. It would be sorta awesome to not gain a single pound! I doubt that will happen though. Fooey!

anyway, it’s THURFRIDAY!

*dance with me*

I have a migraine, I’ll be going to a long training session, and I am starving, but otherwise I’m super jazzed! I get off an hour early, I am going home and making carne asada tacos (YES MORE TACOS, because I love them. You should love them too). Then I will play some video games if my hubster can manage to stop playing Modern Warfare (he’s suddenly all about it, lol). I have a full day on Friday,b ut I have a program on my Fire that lets me edit word documents, so I’m gonna try to get some book editing done while we’re waiting for all these appointments.


I still need to figure out where I’m gonna take Jon for lunch. I want to do something more than just fast food. I want him to feel important. He’s had a rough week. Some stupid kids in his class, I hate kids! I guess they are doing a group project and they just shut him out. He says they form a circle and don’t let him in. They don’t listen to him or care what he has to say. Their work is haphazard and he’s not proud of it. he said he doesn’t even know what they are doing anymore. The teacher is obviously either not paying attention or doesn’t care because she just gets mad at Jonathon because he gets upset.

It’s just ridiculous. I can’t wait to move.

Speaking of, Baboo got a hot tip on an AMAZING job offer and I pray to god he doesn’t just blow it off. It would be a godsend answer to prayers if he got this job. It is more pay, has BENEFITS, it’s in one of those "modern offices" with no dress code and a fun atsmosphere, free pizza tuesdays, catered lunch fridays, free snack bar all day, holiday parties for families, the whole shebang (the most imporant is the benefits part! That’s our biggest concern since I’m resigning after the baby is born and we won’t have my benefits anymore) and he KNOWS SOMEONE WHO WORKS THERE AND WHO COULD HELP HIM GET HIRED. I mean, how could he NOT try for this job?


I understand his loyalty to his current boss, but… he has no benefits, no paid time off, no nothing. He is on call all the time and he does stupid work. For instance, he’s going on location this Saturday at 6 am… to CHANGE LIGHT BULBS.



He’s a computer programmer, not a light bulb changing technician.

It’s so frustrating. He is so sued to not getting paid anything and working for someone who takes advantage of him that he has no idea how much he is actually worth.


We asked his boss for benefits, he’s been working for the guy for like 6 years now, and we got laughed at. Literally laughed at. They don’t pay taxes, so he has to go at the end of the year and pay what he owes. It’s really super annoying. This new company takes his taxes out beforehand, making our taxes tons easier.

I am really REALLY hoping he goes for this. He is whinig about he doesn’t like change, and hes scared of job security and he can’t find his resume, but I lectured him and told him HE HAS TO TRY.

yeah, his current job has worked for him. He was single with no family. But now he is married, has a family, and a baby on the way. He wants me to stay home because me working would be to just pay for someone else to raise our child and why would I do that? This new job would pay all of our expenses and then some. We could stay near the area we are but in a nicer section of it. We wouldn’t be struggling and scrounging for money.I wouldn’t be forced into the childcare business to make ends meet, I can do that if I choose to. I could focus on my writing and really try to get picked up by a publisher.


I’ve been praying for something like this and I just really hope he tries.

something is sinking inside of me because I don’t think he will. He’s just too scared to make that jump.

but we’ll be hurting a lot more if he doesn’t try. We can’t stay sitting still forever, no matter how comfortable it might be.


so send him GET OFF YOUR ASS VIBES!!! and also luck.



My head might explode. i’m getting a migraine. I should go.



Oh yeah, I have a ticker. Look at that!



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    <span style="font-family: Century Gothic”>    Humanity Scar   


 (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

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February 9, 2012

Oh goodness. I hope he goes for it. Oh please. That would be awesome for you to focus more on your writing. And I guess the way you’ve been eating is working for you. You aren’t to gain much weight, so maybe when the baby comes, you will be thinner than you were before. That is ideal. I soooo hope for that the next time for me. The first time.. was not fun with all that extra weight that never left.

You mentioned lecturing him, but have you sat him down to say something like “This job is more than just an answer to our prayers, this is a job that shows your true worth. You deserve to be employed by a place like this, you have worked hard to be in a position to actually get a job like this. People like you are constantly head hunted for places like this. Sometimes in life you have to put yourself first and now your family first. Not liking change isn’t a good enough reason to give up on an opportunity like this. Please do this, for you because you deserve it and for your family because this will give us a special kind of freedom that we desperately need. I love you and support you and will help you in any way possible with getting this job. Can I do anything to help?” Sorry, I just, reading about this I feel like man, you two could actually move into a house, you could get away from skank face bitch whore neighbour. Your kids, all three, could go to a better school and get away from the nastiness that they are surrounded by. He sees how Jon is treated, does he want that for his future son/daughter? Sorry about the migraine!

February 9, 2012

mmmmm tacos 🙂

February 9, 2012

sending the get off your ass vibes right now! hell that sounds like a great job! i want free pizza!!!!!!!! yay for not gaining weight!!!!!!!!!! that is awesome! maybe you should ask Jon where he would like to go for lunch to help make it special?

February 9, 2012

I will be sending him those “get off your ass vibes” NOW!!! I have been watching, for school, these amazing videos about programmers and its just like WOW… so much money can be made… I hope he does this… his loyalty should lie with his family first and foremost…if his current boss isnt giving him what he RIGHTFULLY DESERVES, he needs to go with who will. 🙂

February 9, 2012


February 9, 2012

When my oldest son was in middle school, he skipped one of his classes and took two lunches every day for half of the year before they even realized it… schools do not pay attention to what’s going on with kids at all.

February 9, 2012

OMG I really hope he goes for it!! How could he not?!

February 9, 2012

Loyalty is good but it doesn’t sound as though Baboo’s current boss is respecting him. Now that he has a family he should think about your needs as well as his own. That is good you haven’t gained any weight. I can relate to the migraine, I hope that yours goes away soon.

February 9, 2012

omg, hope baboo gets his ass in gear and gets that job. that would be AMAZING. maybe you should send his resume in for him. if he gets called in for an interview maybe it’ll help convince him that he’s worth more.

February 9, 2012
February 9, 2012

Poor kid! This is why I hate group work. People suck, the end. muahahaha I really want a kindle fire, how do you like yours? I was going to get a laptop but then I’m like… hey look this kindle fire does exactly what I would be using a laptop for.


February 9, 2012

It’s tough to make changes and take chances, even when it’s a good idea. I hope he goes for it.

First off…I loathe group projects and feel for Jon. Poor baby boy. I wish his teacher would look up and see whats happening. Second….I hope, hope he goes for the job. That would be totally awesome!

Third: Yes, she drives me insane too! I have been ignoring her for, what, two years now? She will not get the point.

You need to take this Baboo. Dont look a gift horse in the mouth. and all that jazz

February 9, 2012

That’s not right for Jonathon. People should be paying more attention to him at school. I hope things get worked out for him soon. Sorry you have a migraine. I hope it gets better soon. So that’s what he does. I was curious about that. A computer programmer is also an interesting prospect. Hope you get to play your game. It’s cool that your fire can do that. Acknowledges the rest.

February 9, 2012

I hope he makes the jump. I know how scary change is, but it’s good to sometimes be scared!

oooh! yes get that boy a great job! and yes, tacos are awesome! xx

February 9, 2012

sounds like an awesome job!

February 11, 2012

can you kind of sneakily apply FOR him?