Flinging Pepper




Dexter… do you see the party? It’s right there! Just a few more blades!

I sorta wish he’d explode when he gets to the end of the grass…

Is that mean?





Well, here we are.


And I can’t focus for shizzle.

I’ve only been at work 15 minutes, so I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.


So first, a mini rant.

I really hate my old landlord Jimmy. there was a reason I stopped talking to him back in the day (long story).

he’s stupid.

So I get this email last night, it’s just a subject with no text: You have a pile of mail here.


O…. K….

So if I was the landlord with mail from a previous tenant, I sould surely notify them as well as tell them when they can come get it or try to make arrangements for it. Instead I had to write back, in a sugary sweet tone, and ask him when a good time to come get it would be and I’d make arrangements. I apologized for any inconvenience and let him know that I put in a forwarding order with the post office and I’ve been getting forwarded mail. I don’t know WHY mail is still going there. I thought it was weird that I wasn’t getting much to my house… I probably have something from B of A yelling at me.

Blah, they will have to wait till next month to start getting paid again. Get your panties out of your crack.


I just don’t get why a grown ass man is so … stupid. It’s just like… what am I supposed to do with an email like that? run over immediately and bang on the door "GIVE ME MY MAAAAAAAIIIIILLLLLLAAAAAA"


How hard is it to be somewhat mature and go the extra step in making arrangements for things like that.


So anyway, last night was insanity. Baboo and I went to the gym but he slept in the car.

I went to a smaller place and the equipment was broken or all being used and I didnt’ really get a good work out. There was an aerobics class going on in front of me and the teacher was this somewhat giant (not fat, just tall) man who flung his arms around and yelled in this high pitched Richard Simmons voice… and everyone was right on que. I guess they’ve all taken the class before. Tehre was this giant balding man and this old lady in the back doing things a lot BIGGER and more wild than the rest. I don’t know if they were more high impact or what. It was very strange. But it kept me entertained while I tried to get a work out.

I first tried this incline stair master thing. It made a weird noise and the timer was broken. so I went to a bike… where the seat was loose and jiggled the entire time. So as soon as I saw another stair master thingie free up I jumped on it. I miss the eliptical arm movements, so I only did 20 minutes.. about 35 minutes total. I probably burned 150 to 200 calories.

Wooty woo.

Then I went to Wal Mart and got all my supplies *whee!*… and Baboo slept in the car again. weirdo. I got some cute French Manicure nails I’ll put on Wednesday night and some other odds and ends. I got some $8 lipstick. It better work. Damn expensive shit.

After that, I went to Ralphs and got some food provisions that will definitely last me till the end of the month  *whee!*… and once agani, Baboo slept in the car.

It was after 8 by the time we were finished so we ended up getting In N Out for dinner. It was wrong … but wrong SO GOOD. (Baboo woke up for that part! ha ha)

I think I stayed on my diet though, because I had almost 1000 calories left over for the day.

so cool beans on a biscuit!


Anyway, then we went home and I did a mad search for my strapless super expensive cleavage bra.

i could not find it.

This made me very sad.

Baboo snuggled me and we went to sleep.

I have to go to Target today to try and find the mascara I wanted (they had it for every other eye color BUT brown. blah!) and I’ll see if they have any cheap strapless bra’s there. I can wear the dress without it, but I’d rather have more uplifted cleavage… and a bra will help.

We’ll see. If it’s too expensive or whatever, I’ll just get over it.

somehow, I left the house in a stained torn shirt today.

i don’t even understand it.

Out of ALL MY CLOTHES, I leave looking like a damn slob.

I hope I don’t have to leave my desk much today.

I look a mess.

I could probably wear my coat all day, but I’ll get hot and yeah.

blah… damn it allllll!!!!! (I just put my coat on, I can’t be seen in these crazy ass clothes… I’m also wearing a pair of pants with a bleach stain on the bottom. What the fuck, did I get dressed with my eyes closed?!)

Baboo and I are going to the gym tonight, not sure if he’ll work out or not.

then Target. I have to stop at the bank first to cash this check for 100 bucks that Baboo gave me.

We will have 1 grand for Vegas. We may not use all $500 for gambling. We may end up using only half that and getting drinks and fun stuff with the other half. We’ll see.

I guess it’ll depend on the mood and the wind and where it blows.

I’m so excited.

Tonight I’m gonna start packing and I have to fix the rest of my hair. I am gonna cut some length off of it, maybe I’ll take a picture.

Oh and I found a part to the camera charger in my car, so hopefully Baboo will charge up the digital camera and I can be a picture taking fool! I have to be sure to get more pics with us in them and not just pretty lit up buildings and fountains. ha ha.

I am just so jazzed!!! *wiggle!!!*

Anyway, I guess I should go work.

i’m pretty boring right now huh.

Lets see… what can I do to spice things up.

*flings some pepper at you*

did that work?

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April 14, 2009

*Aaaaaaaaaaaaaatchoooooooooo* … lol…xxxxxxxxxx

April 14, 2009

Hot stuff

April 14, 2009

Ahhh the excitement!

April 14, 2009

You kept me entertained. I can’t wait to see some pics of your trip. If you post any anyway. hint hint. lol

April 14, 2009

Because of you, I’ve been sitting here at work for the past HOUR looking at Vegas vacations. BAH. 😀

you’re not boring!

April 14, 2009

a couple of things love. The next time you need makeup, go to http://www.eyeslipsface.com I love that site. So inexpensive, and they have good quality things. They may not be brand name, but I love them! Second *thinks* What the hell was I gonna say? *scrolls back through your entry* OH! As far as drinks go, if you are in a casino, and are gambling, There are complementary drinks.

so, by any chance are you excited? jazzed? lol!

April 14, 2009

please don’t fling pepper at me. i have contacts and it’ll get stuck in my eye and under my contacts and then i’ll look rabid for the rest of the day

April 14, 2009

*sneeze* *sneeze* keep you damn pepper to yourself *sneeze*

April 14, 2009

I conclude that some people never ever ever grow up and become mature. Yay for getting new things!

April 14, 2009

What do you put the nails on with? Just glue? how long do they stay? i usually do gel nails, but it’s a pain and takes about an hour and a half. I hate wardrobe malfunctions like that, it happens all the time, and then I get out of the car and have to take the dreaded hike across he parking lot…augh..please 2 cute guys on the first floor dont be out here…doh…there they are..augh..

April 14, 2009

I wanna see some pics