Feeling so lost

I’m not sure what is wrong with me right now. I want to totally descend into a self imposed isolation. I don’t feel like "trying" to be happy or smile or be enthusiastic.


As horrible as that sounds, it’ sjust truth. I feel second or third or last place nothing to almost everyone. Even my kids. they like my mom and my sisters more than me. I have nobody who finds me their favorite and I can’t seem to convice myself otherwise. I feel like an afterthoughts forgotten thought and I don’t understand it.

I’m supposed to go visit my Kim this weekend… well next weekend, whatever.

and I have found myself thinking of reasons to not go. Cuz I don’t feel like having to talk or smile or be normal. I just want to curl into a ball under my comforter and play stupid video games where I don’t have think. Or watch zombie movies… or any movie with a lot of death and destruction. I dunno.

I realize that when/if I go out there, I"ll be fine and I’ll realize just how much I needed that time. But right now I dont’ even want to think about having to do all that driving and then dealing with my feelings as I drive. I tend to think in mega overdrive when I have to sit and drive long distances.

I mentioned doing some stupid stuff in my last entry. it wasn’t htat i was gonna go find some dick to fuck. Nope, there really isn’t much of that to interest me at the moment. it was stupid emails. to stupid people. who i should get over and be done with. but i feel like if i don’t just cut off this last growth of them in my  mind by severing it of my own will and letting them know i’ve done such a thing, i’ll never get past it.

i’m so horrifically stupid.

i need a pill. some drugs. a prescription PLEASE.

oh well, enough of this.

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January 22, 2006

You’re my favorite. Honestly. My favorite favorite.

January 22, 2006
January 23, 2006

have you ever talked to anyone about possible having depression?

ive been feeling like that lately myself. like i just want to be alone and lay in bed all day. *hugs* that’s a major reason i havent been here on OD.