Faster, baby, faster!
My goodness… Monday you’re a bitch, but you’re moving along at a clip aren’t you!
I know, I know, I’m actually working because I feel extra guilty about my job being in danger and I actually want to earn my money right now… but dayamn!
I only have 45 minutes till lunch and it doesn’t feel so terrible! And the fatigue seems to have floated away!
I think it might also have to do with me listening to music instead of talk radio all morning. I usually listen to a bunch of people blathering for hours (it’s funny 2/3’s of the time) and maybe it makes the day seem longer? I dunno, the music is definitely a pick me up… especially when Pandora pulls Britney Spears out of it’s ass. I’m like "really?!" ha ha.
gotta love it.
so Costco sent me this thingie about their travel packages and I’m getting all excited to plan a honeymoon for baboo and I!
For about 1500 bucks we could have a week-long vacation in some amazing place like Aruba! or Antigua! Or some other tropical ass place I’ve never heard of!!!!
I can’t imagine being gone for an entire WEEK to some place like that!!!
Now I’m excited and I know we’ll have to do it! We just have to!
And I know my parents won’t have a problem watching my kids for a week if it’s for a honeymoon after their tramp of a daughter finally settles down and gets married!!!!
Why am I so excited?
I might not even have a job by then.
suck it.
I have to stop looking at the vacation packages though. it makes me crazy with desire.
I can’t even believe the duality of my life right now.
The happiest I have ever been in a relationship with the man my life was meant for who I love with everything I am… and facing the biggest shake up of my stability and income for my family ever.
it’s weird.
But out of all of it, I know I’m going to be ok.
Security feels so weird for me right now. Feeling like I’m gonna be ok because I have someone at my side. I have never had that, it’s always been me against the world since I was 21 years old. I know, that’s not the worst story ever, and I have had the support of my family if I REALLY NEEDED IT, but in essence, I was holding up my entire life on my shoulders and now I have someone else taking up the burden with me.
it’s awesome.
oh mushy mcgushy smash smoosh blaaaaah.
I guess I’ll get back to work.
I’ve also been reading favs. OD is usually picking up with entries around this time of year, but not so much right now. it’s very quiet.
oh well.
Lunch in like 32 minutes.
harder, baby, harder!! uh. *leaves*
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It’s crazy how you can be completely insane worrying about ONE thing but completely calm in other aspects of your life. It really doesn’t make any sense, does it?
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Faster, baby, faster! O_O I must read this… Working with music is awesome. Was downright mandatory when I was doing retail.
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It can make a world of difference to have someone by your side like that. It’s nice to know that it does happen for some. 🙂
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Yeah…that feeling is amazing isn’t it! You described it almost perfectly for me too! (As then again, you know I can never find the e.x.a.c.t right words to justify my ever so deep feelings for him anyway!) Yeah…it is the most amazing and incredible feeling in the world! And, yeah, glad someone else also feels that, OD is sucking in a way lately! And yeah, “amused smile.” Must say that
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your title gives off the many different and amusing impressions! (It definitely caught my eye on the front page anyway, when I’d logged on!) Lol. Anyway, later love. HUGS
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That makes me want to go looking up travel packages. I am due for a vacation.
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Yay!!! But think, even if you lost your job now, you will likely have a job by the time it is for you to go on your honeymoon!
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Sounds like Baboo is around at just the right time. It’s nice when it works that way.
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I would LOVE to sit on a beach for a week. Drinking drinks made of fruit and smelling like coconut. Mmmm.
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