Extra Extra, Read all About it!

So they have this Woolite commercial where a "mommy" and "daddy" are hugging and the kids giggle and spy on them through a window… it came on while I was eating lunch.

Guess what I did?

I cried.

all over my lunch.

Tears just burst out of my eyes like a damn sprinkler and my stomach twisted into knots and now I’m all anxiety wracked and I feel like I’ve COMPLETELY lost my damn mind!

what the hell?

I know I’m insane, I know I am quirky, I know I’m quite possibly a certified lunatic that should be in a straight jacket talking to miffy  and bigglesworth while I eat my green jello and pudding and the sharpest thing I come into contact with is a damn spork…

but I’ve avoided the white coats so far. They’ll never catch me!

Meanwhile, my hormones are going completely nutso.

I start my period in about a week, so maybe that’s it.


It is annoying me to feel anxious and all emotional over EVERYTHING.

In other news, Jonathon is on super punishment and has to write 300 standards (100 x: I will respect my parents, 100x: I will not hurt my brother, 100x: I will respect my home… or something like that) in order to even begin to earn his priveleges (video games, television, sweet snacks and treats, etc…) back.

well he is not dealing with any of it well.

the other day he flipped over the couches *sigh*

Anyway, earlier today he ran away…

Well, he went outside without saying anything with no shoes and walked to the end of the block and sat on the curb like a homeless child.

Please, please please refrain from telling me to get him into counseling because I TRIED and that damn doctor was about as much help as a pile of potatoes and his next appt isn’t until the 11th, which I will have to really try to impress how much my son needs to be therapized.


But seriously, he needs it.

HE DOES NOT NEED MEDS. I pity the fool who says he needs them at this point.

He needs anger management. He needs to get the reasoning explained to him on how to deal with his temper. I am his mother and I know he does NOT have anything that requires medication. He is sad and angry and just needs a place to figure it out. I’m not good at it, so hopefully the therapist will be.

Regardless, if you do leave me a note about meds, don’t get surprised when I snap at you, cuz I don’t want to hear that bullcrappity.

Meds will be the ultimate last resort and we haven’t begun to scratch the surface of doing anything else, so don’t tell me about it or i’ll lose it.

You’ve been warned, even if you have good intentions, they will be lost on me at this point.

Anyway, he came back home eventually and I called on the phone. He screamed and fussed and really only calmed down when I kept myself level and didn’t get upset with him. I tried to talk to him about doing the standards, but he suddenly got a fake injury that prevents him from being able to do them.

I had even given him a way to cut his standards in half… by dragging out the trash cans… but it was a no go. so oh well.

We’ll see what I deal with when we finally make it home.

le sigh.

In kitten news, they are still good. Ember got a flea bath and was surprising well behaved for it! Maybe she’s just exhausted, but I guess she didn’t try to run away… maybe she wants to be cleaned of all the damn bugs! Anyway, hopefully that will help and I guess there were no more fleas on the babies today.


so I’ve rambled enough to get my emotions in tact.

that is, until another laundry soap, peanut butter, sylvan learning center, foundation for a better life, life insurance, sock, deoderant, air freshener, car accident lawyer, bonzai knife infomercial commercial comes on…

then i’ll cry…


*this just in… hot coworker is coming back. mmm eyecandy!!!!

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September 3, 2009

I think you’re right about not medicating him — there is SO much that doctors don’t know about kids and medication. When we were havinv issues with Jacob a friend suggested the book “How to talk to kids and how to listen so kids will talk” — it’s a really popular book and it has so many good ideas.

Would you son like martial arts… or… here’s a stretch… yoga?

September 3, 2009

I agree with you. I think no meds until absolutely necessary and you’ve already tried everything possible. Too many doctors just say, here take this and you’ll be fine. Um.. no. I am sure you are doing the best that you can for him. I hope the next appointment goes well.

September 3, 2009

Any experience I had with child therapists was a pile of crap. They’re shit. Plus, medicating? Screw that noise. No way! Putting kids on meds is just stupid, and should always be a LAST resort.

September 3, 2009

I agree with not medicating. I also aree with ListenWithin, perhaps somethin like Karate or Kick Boxing would help with the anger? Helped me when I was a kid. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

September 3, 2009

I was gonna mention meds, but for you not for him. 🙂 I take low dose prozac for my SEVERE PMS…it works. (thank goodness!) My oldest was JUST like your son. I put her in sports, which helped. Also I took this parenting class called Love & Logic and I highly recommend it. It’s all about natural consequences… kind of like tough love, but not so tough… (P.S. helps w/boyfriends too) 🙂

September 3, 2009

I, too, cry during commercials… I’m wacky like that. RYN: Truth be told, I’m laying in bed thinking OMG! OMG! OMG! I should write an entire entry about how totally overwhelmed and freaked out I am… but then that would ruin the facade that I have going on that I am doing oh-so-well… *laughs* OMG!

September 3, 2009

I don’t have any kids, so I can offer no advice. I do know that I have a martial arts dude come do a class here at the library every three months or so and he always tells me about these angry kids that do a complete 180 after attending his classes, so… you know… just a thought. *hugs* I want pictures of the kitties so I can drool and know I will never ever have one! ~

Hmm… maybe an extra cirricular activity might help? One that would make him exert a lot of the anger he carries in a good way? Hope the therapy goes well. And damn… didn’t you just get off your period? lol That sounds weird to say… This month went by too fast.

September 3, 2009

I totally agree with you about not medicating him… I think it SHOULD be the absolute last resort… you’re making the right choice and anybody who tries to preach to you otherwise should be beat to hell.. heh.. I’m at the angry stage in my pregnancy, so I can take care of the beatings if you so desire… no, but really.. I can.. beat them to hell..

September 3, 2009

I agree with the no meds approach. Not only do I agree that he needs to learn how to manage his emotions, but I wish doctors would give the mothers way more credit for knowing what their kids need. #1: instinct. #2: your effing kid. #3: womanly nurturing solution vs doctor one-pill-cures-it-all solution. Good luck in finding him a counselor that will work for everyone involved. I know it’shard – even for adults.

September 3, 2009

I’m reading a book called how to parent the defiant child. It’s got a ton of good advice and I’m trying to wok it in. I understand though, I have an angry kid too.

September 3, 2009

i have been having emotional issues as well i am close to my period but i am going to blame it on the full moon!

You can medicate him all day long, but that wont get to the ROOT of the problem and solve it. When will people learn this?? Good luck, though. Maybe Baboo being there will start to help.

I think i mentioned this before, but maybe i can talk to a friend who is a child therapist, i dont know how much she can do though via the internets. you are going to be mentioned in the Blog o doom! 🙂 Chris

September 4, 2009
September 4, 2009

I wouldn’t medicate him, either. That’s a copout. If you want him to actually GET BETTER and learn some coping skills, I don’t see how medication will help. As a mother, my heart hurts for you. It’s got to be hard. Miles is a really emotional kid and I worry about him sometimes. I have to be really careful with him.

September 4, 2009


September 4, 2009

Probably Jonathon is just going through a ‘phase’. Agree he doesn’t need meds. Martial arts or something like that does sound like a good idea. Tae kwan do?

September 4, 2009

I bawl like a baby during commercials regardless of that time of the month