dumbest entry of the day



I had to fight and beg to get every Friday off, my boss was gonna deny it! But after my supervisor and I double teamed her, she saw the light and we will get the days we want. However, we have to be flexible and ensure that we cover each other when needed. And if it comes down to it, I may end up with one friday and one different day the next week, but oh well. I’ll make it work! I guess I wouldn’t mind having a Wednesday off now and then.

Anyway, hurrah!

Starting now, every Friday will be blissfully spent at home. I’ll get to cuddle  Baboo randomly through the day, take naps, and such.

I tried to be productive today, but the last hour or so I’ve slagged off and read favs. ha ha.

So next week, instead of it being only 20 more minutes till I leave, it’ll be almost an hour.


that part will suck. i’ve gotten used to a little shorter day. but it won’t be that bad of an adjustment.

i’m having smorgasborg dinner.

I’m gonna rummage through the fridge and serve all the leftovers. The chili that my brother and I collaborated on came out really good. It’s sorta "brothy" so it’s almost like soup. The broth is so good though. With a few sprinkles of cheese. mmm. That’s what I’m having!

Speaking of my brother, still not sure what to do. He seemed to open up a bit yesterday. I don’t understand teenagers. blah.

Oh well. this is the dumbest entry of the day.

I’m ending it.

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January 13, 2010

I think boys and men have hormonal issues too.

January 13, 2010


January 13, 2010

yay for fridays!

You nhave a giant butt. And I bet you want it to be suckled upon. ohhh yes. you like the butt love.

January 13, 2010

RYN: Thanks for the note. It was nice to get some kind words after that reaming. I’m still stuck in the same place, though, and am going to try to hash it out through my journal like I used to. So, yeah, lots of entries coming up. And I appreciate any and all notes.

I kind of like leftover night. Mmmm… but beware of the foil wrapped items in the back. Ick!!

January 13, 2010

I think left over spaghetti for Alex and I, corn dogs for the kids.

January 14, 2010

Weds off would be neat – split the week up! Wednesdays are crap.

January 14, 2010

I’d totally stay an hour longer at work every day to have every Friday off.

January 14, 2010

Yay for no Fridays!

January 22, 2010
