Do I have a sign on my butt saying “molest me”?!



They can’t fix the wiggle on my desk. They say it’s all "secure" and the only way to fix it is to change cubicles.

Well great, thanks!

I am sorta getting used to it now and I’m typing softer so I guess that’ll just have to be the way it is. But if I get all fucked up over it all, I’m filing a lawsuit! ha ha.

So we just went to this board presentation for the ladies who just retired and afterward we took a group picture.

Just my luck to get placed next to the lovely lesbian who is always molesting me.

No, it’s not "hot"… she’s… uhhh… portly? I don’t know. It’s always gonna offend someone, but she’s not my type at all and she’s always TOUCHING ME. She’s also the one who came to my desk smelling like a fish market.

Anyway, at least she smelled like perfume today.

Anyway, so she’s standing next to me and she puts her arm around my shoulder. well I sorta shrugged her off and she proceeds to put her hands down and then I feel her fingers ON MY BUTT.

I squeezed the ole cheeks in and moved away from her… and she just moved forward.

She kept reaching out and touching my butt for the long minute or two it took to get everyone placed and for this dumb photographer guy to take nine million pictures.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting there scared to death that I’m about to get my butt probed and as soon as we could move it felt like I was catapulting away from her.


Well she does, that’s who.

And I didn’t even know what to do except walk away and try not to look grossed out.

It would have been one thing to have it touch once or even TWICE when I moved, but I moved a full step away and she deliberately put her hand out. She had to REACH OUT to touch my butt.


Being molested is just not as fun as it’s cracked up to be.

I’ll be back later with my other fun topics.

I just had to write about this before I forgot! lol

One hour till lunch. I’m starvin like marvin!

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January 20, 2010

Lol “portly” Sorry you were molestered!! That would make me uncomfortable too :S

ewww. portly molestation. thats sexual harassment FAIL D: Chris

January 20, 2010

No, it’s not “hot”… she’s… uhhh… portly? I don’t know. It’s always gonna offend someone, but she’s not my type at all and she’s always TOUCHING ME. So, you’re saying that if she were hawt, then you’d have no problem with it?

January 20, 2010

WHO JUST STANDS THERE TOUCHING SOMEONES ASS LIKE THAT?! Me. But then I usually get slapped. Hard. In the face!

January 20, 2010

It’s only sexual harassment if they are ugly!!! Haha…the fat lesbian rubbed your ass!!

January 20, 2010

Well…I know people can be like that, “and have their moments like that,” but, ya’d THINK they’d take the “hint” after a while, ya know! (And, people think I’M bad with certain things! AT LEAST, I’m good enough to respect boundaries and not go over board like that!) (I don’t mean in the physical aspect either! I mean with other things.) Anyway, lol, yeah. I can understand how that would

January 20, 2010

I’d totally molest you.

January 20, 2010

want to be written about, so you won’t forget to tell us about it! I get the same way too! 🙂 Lol. Hope ya have a nice day, other then that hun! And also, shitty about your cubicle too. It’s alright that you’re getting used to it now a bit, and all, but I know, it really would be nice all the same, to be able to have something done about it! HUGS

January 20, 2010

Oh my lord, the lesbo has issues.

January 20, 2010


January 20, 2010

All women have a sign on their butt inviting that… that’s from a the male perspective anyway, can’t answer for portly lesbians I’m afraid!

January 20, 2010

Sexual harrassment. Sue! lol. That is not cool. I would feel uncomfortable too. I can’t believe she would just do that. You should have glared at her.

January 20, 2010

hahaha-fantastic. I’d probably find some excuse to touch your butt. I won’t lie Hell my hand is always on Sheri’s ass-and if there were someone I want to cop a feel I’d do it and say “Oops-sorry! I didn’t mean to grab you like that” But inside I totally did 🙂

Oh, I think I need a moment alone…. hot!

lol jk…. you do have a nice ass, well at least from those photos you posted WAY back when! =)

I mean if it was baboo I’m sure it would have been welcome, but dirty fishy lesbo lady? Nah, that’s just kinda gross. It did make me laugh though, sorry.

January 20, 2010

Wow. Haha. That must have been uncomfy for you. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m glad you wrote about it though because it was highly entertaining. Hehe!! Sowwy!!! :-/

January 20, 2010

LMAO.. I’m sorry for your misfortune, but it made me laugh.. hehe..

January 20, 2010

Hahaha, love your description of the lesbian. Anyway, I am a little disgusted for the following reasons – a. People apparently noticed her fishy odor. I don’t even want to know where it was coming from… b. She’s pretty brave to touch your ass…I’m sure there are not too many lesbians in your company. I’m also pretty sure you do not tease her or lead her on either. Blech! Sexual harrassment!


January 20, 2010

You shoulda grabbed her finger and twisted it till she screamed. And then let go just in time to watch people look at her crazy…. but then again… I’m just mean LMAO

January 20, 2010

The next time she gropes you, this is what you need to do – Turn around and face her. Glare for 3 seconds with your hands on your hips. Then cup your mouth with you hands and loudly declare “I AM NOT A LESBIAN! CEASE ALL SEXUAL ASSAULTS IMMEDIATELY!”… I’m pretty sure that’ll send her far, far away from you for the remainder of your employment 😀

OMG rude! She should at least buy you a drink first. . .

January 20, 2010

lol sorry about the molesting…. but the title made me giggle… i think i would have nightmares about this if i were you…

January 20, 2010

Um…… if she was doing it deliberatly, why didn’t you turn around and give her the look?

January 20, 2010

RYN: The lack of sex is a disease. Please tell me that you know of a cure?

lesbian that smells like fish? such a bad stereotype! LOL! on the bright side? you have a nice squeezable ass?

Ok, yeah, not funny. What a fricking creep!

I didnt mean to put the sign there, I just had no where else to put it.

January 20, 2010

you’re a lot more tolerant of her than I would have been in your position.

January 20, 2010

Tell her you don’t like it. If she keeps doing it report her.

January 20, 2010

Yeah, what’s wrong with a fatso sappho? The chick’s problem is that she picked the wrong place to do it. Works great in the club; work, not so much. Rude heffer. Report her fishy ass to HR.

January 21, 2010

Is it bad if I think this is really hilarious? Because I do.

January 21, 2010

lol thats funny but that’s also really weird and uncomforatble too egh.

January 22, 2010

That’s the price you pay for having a sexy ass. RAWR! Gonna file a sexual harrasment lawsuit? That might be fun.