damn you bugs!!!!

I swear to god, every single day there is ONE MOTHER FUCKING GNAT sent to torment me ALL DAY.

It does not fail.

I’ll be sitting here, typing and reading and then I see it… looping and zipping around my head.

It’s probably laughing.

I bet there is a gnat club and they each take turns coming to my desk and bugging me. I can just see them swarming into a little gnat clubhouse. And the head gnat taps on the microphone:

"Attention gnats and other flying creatures of doom. We must pick the name of the lucky gnat who gets to torment Monique today!"

They wheel out a little box and the gnat puts his little gnatty feeler into it and pulls out a tiny little scrap of paper.

"Buzzy! It’s your turn today! Try not to die!!!"

And they all wave while Buzzy happily goes out on his mission.

But buzzy will die. along with Fred and Hubert and Malcolm!!!!!  And all the rest of them!!!!!

i swear to god, it’s one of the most annoying things in the WORLD.

and I always have to look up and make sure there isn’t a cloud of them over my head.


I usually end up kililng it  with my hands (ewww gnat guts!) and I don’t see anymore for the day (sometimes there will be a second or third, but usually it’s just one)…

it’s just wrong.

Leave me alone gnats!!!

It’s made me a little phobic and now I hallucinate bugs A LOT. At home it’s either a spider or a roach… at work it’s something flying, and it’s EVERYTHING when I’m driving.

I think I’m going crazy.



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April 13, 2009

I sent him. hahahaha *ducks*

Is possible. Should come to South Georgia. We have sand gnats. Not only do they buzz around in front of your face and fly in your eyes and nose, they also vomit on your skin and it burns.

April 13, 2009

You could get a Venus Flytrap, they eat bugs, or better yet get a bunch of bats, they eat bugs too. Although other people at work might complain about bats flying around, second thought scratch the bats idea, forget I said that. No bats!!

ugh i hate gnats!

April 13, 2009

I am not a “fan” of bugs.

April 13, 2009

do you have a plant soemwhere close to you? Alot of times that’s where they come from. I was laying in bed Friday night, we sleep with the TV on (don’t ask why…I have no idea) so there was some light in there, I say a spider crawling right toward me face. I FREAKED out.

April 13, 2009

i am glad someone else has problems with gnats! everywhere i go i find one and i swear it think it’s me. i bathe every day!

April 13, 2009

I hate when you get that buzz in your ear and you end up slapping the side of your head. Even worse if someone sees you do it.

April 13, 2009

Do you think there will be bugs in Vegas?!@@

April 13, 2009

ewwwwwww buggs………….

April 13, 2009

You may very well be going crazy. ;o) xoxo<3

April 14, 2009

Ahhh…I hate those bugs. You can never get rid of them!!