crazy damn kids








 I’m tired. Really tired. Of everything.


















This is the week of UGH! Seriously…

So the social worker came and I’ll just say that she left saying "There is no abuse here, so don’t worry."

Great! What a relief!

But I have to retract SOME of my anger from the stupid before school program people.

And put it on my son.


Jonathon, the one who got in trouble in the first place, told them a story about how he’s afraid to go home when he gets into trouble because he gets kicked out of the house and has to sleep under a tree. The social worker told me that was the allegation that came from the hotline.

After the social worker left I asked him WHY he would tell anyone such a giant lie.

He said he told them that so they wouldn’t call me and he wouldn’t get into trouble.



So, in all honesty, Jonathon is the one who started it on many levels. His outburst of temper and his giant whale of a story.

He was recalling something from two seperate occasions that I can recall.

Once, when he was in first grade, he went outside and I couldn’t find him. The kids he was playing with left and I had no idea why he didn’t come home when they left. I thought he somehow went with them… but I eventually found him on the other side of our apartment complex playing with some kids and it was after dark. He got into a lot of trouble that night.

Couple that with last year when he got kicked out of the after school program and he wanted to scream and throw a fit and I left him outside and he sat on the porch crying for about half an hour and I did not go out to get him because I was upset and if he wanted to stay outside he could. He claimed that I locked the door and told him to go away… but I think that’s just his interpretation of me walking away from his tantrum and letting him sit outside as long as he wanted to.

He claims that I kicked him out and he slept under a tree with a blanket. Then JACOB said he did the same thing.

Jacob also said I put them in a basement under our current house. Jonathon said I made them sleep in tunnels.


THANK GOD the social worker isn’t an idiot and doesn’t believe every hairbrained story my kids pulled out of their butts.

I swear to god, my children are INSANE.

I had to tell them that telling those crazy fish stories had put them in danger of being taken away from me. This made Jonathon upset. I told him that even though he had told that exaggerated story, it didn’t help him get out of trouble and he needed to think about that stuff before he opened his mouth again.

SO YEAH…. I suppose if I was a childcare worker and some kid told ME that, I’d want it investigated. However, I’d most certainly try to conference with the parent first and see what might have caused a child to say something like that. And go from there.


I still hate them.

but i can’t blame them anymore.

It was my son.

and then BOTH of my kids making up wild tales of abuse to make me look crazy.

thank god it’s not gonna go anywhere.

crazy damn kids.

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October 14, 2009

I think if I’d never beaten them before I might beat both of them pretty good over that.

October 14, 2009

I’m with Enthusiast.

October 14, 2009

also if a kid told me that i dont think i’d kick him out of the program i’d think that maybe he needed extra help! they are still lame!

October 14, 2009

Wow! I was wondering what made them investigate you. Kids just don’t know what happens when they make up stories like that. I’m glad the social worker knows better. Maybe now they know better than to make up shit like that!

October 14, 2009

I heard in Cali some kids made up a story about being molested in tunnels under a daycare or something and the social workers, jury, public, judge, and police believed it and spent millions looking for tunnels. You got a halfway decent social worker there.

October 14, 2009
October 14, 2009

Good- i’m glad she knows that….too bad she hasd to come out to see that…thats rediculous.

Yikes! You know the sad thing about this is that I’m sure there are parents who really do that sort of thing, and worse.

eesh! you’re kids sure do have wild imaginations! if only they knew when it was OKAY to be creative, and when it’s definitely NOT okay. 🙁 i’m sorry, hun.

October 14, 2009

This sounds so frustrating. I think I’d lose my mind dealing with that situation.

October 14, 2009

I’m with the first 2 noters. lol. I now understand why they would investigate. It still sucks, but at least you go to the bottom of it and now they understand that when they do stuff like that it could go very badly. I think you handled it well though.

October 14, 2009

Haha. Child care workers are mandated reporters so they have to report things like that. Cps social workers are usually able to figure out the truth pretty fast!

October 14, 2009

OH my lord!!! I am soooo glad they came and visited you !!! You are a great mommy! 🙂

Ok, I know the situation is not funny, but I LMAO at their stories. C’mon, thats prety creative. All they missed was a dragon or monster. SO glad that it worked itself out.

October 14, 2009

They definitely have some active imaginations

October 14, 2009

holy shit wat a story….

October 14, 2009

OH My God! My friends stepdaughter does the saem stuff. She makes up stories out of nowhere. She made up a story that her real mom and baby sister wer shot and killed and that she watched or some crap like that. Kids are scary, now im gonna have to have a talk with my niece to make sure she never tells a story like that.