Commence Countdown! (+ stalker pic)
45 minutes until lunch.
don’t you miss my lunch countdowns?
ha ha.
anyone who emails with me gets the lunch count down too! ha ha.
Oh well, so here I am trying to do work but feeling loopy (the start of it, oh dayquil *snuggle*) and overly excited…
Well in 20 days I’ll be going to see my LOVE MUFFIN!!! I AM BEYOND EXCITED!!! It’s gonna be so fun. I just keep thinking about how this is something I’ve never done and how truly fun it’s gonna be and just … I can’t wait for the experience. I plan on telling my family that I am going to be taking a road trip up there, and I’m sure they’ll give me sideways looks, but I dont’ care. They already agreed to take my heathens! I never said I’d stay in area!
ha ha.
I can’t wait to see her. She has such a powerful energy to me, I want to be around her and see what it’s like. It will be sure to be an adventure, at least for me. I feel so naive and "old" thinking about all the things I’ve never seen or been around or experienced, but I guess now is the time for me to go ahead and be exposed to a life that is different than my own and I can’t wait!
I want to hug and kiss her! hahahahah.
Oh yes, if there is anything to be said, i do hope for some kisses.
don’t stare at me.
we’ve gone over this.
I’m so gonna smooch this girl
I also calculated and HOORAY! my period should be over before New Years! I was a little worried I’d be fussing around with that horrible business while I was up there, but it seems it will be over with right before New Years Eve, so I’m gonna be all hormonally happy too! Yay!
I want this sore throat to go away. Dayquil! Do your work!
I really hope I get a digital camera for Christmas (I doubt it though). I want to take a LOT of pictures!
If I don’t get one I might have to either get film for the camera I do have (gotta find it tho, ha!) or get a throw away camera. I might also bring my video camera. Oh good times.
Regardless, I’m really psyched and I am officially gonna start doing a countdown for it!
I’d put up a ticker, but since I use this proxy it filters through and makes it all crazy, so I’ll just have to remember to put it up every day… or I can just do a ticker that way too, just copy the link.
oh *ponder ponder*
Anwyay, I’m just so jazzed.
I’m wiggling in my chair can you see it?
you can wiggle with me! it’s fun!
Ok, i’m gonna go before I wiggle onto the floor.
Oh! before I go, I have a pic. I’ve turned into a total stalker.
So yesterday when I was walking to the train I saw these two guys. They looked like weird versions of Travis Barker! hahahah. They were speaking some foreign language and taking pictures. They were walking in front of me (slowly, might i add, it got right on my damn nerves!) so I took a pic of them.
Here it is:
Yes yes, i am crazy.
what do you want!
I’m going to go spend time with my Love Muffin and it’s gonna be awesome.
I can’t wait!
hahah, those guys even dress like travis barker!
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xo You’re so crazily insane I can’t help but love you! :o)
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haha glad you have such exciting new years plans!!! =]
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Oh, how I enjoy your random picture taking abilities! ;o) You rock my socks off!! <3
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I hope your trip is great!
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I find it much easier to deal with if I call it “secretly following” instead of stalking. Stalking has associated negative connotations Secretly Following sounds almost romantic… … …… Actually no it doesn’t :-# Secretly following sounds just as bad.
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How does Baboo feel about your road trip? I assume he’s not going w/ you…
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I find myself wanting to take pictures of strangers that I find so funny but normally there isn’t enough time to position myself correctly
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I see guys dressed like that, and I immediately think – RETARDED! Remember ZZ Top’s Every Girl’s Crazy About a Sharp Dressed Man? That’s me.
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HAHA… randomly taking pictures of random people… awesome!
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omg i had someone from the neighborhood come over to try to use my chair and she shooed us out of the room. sheri and i were sleeping!
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