Close call

I had a really scary experience this morning. I was doing my hurry-up-and-change-lanes-so-you-can-exit-the-freeway thing. I checked my mirrors, good… I checked over my shoulder good! so I turned on my blinkers. I noticed that traffic was slowing down in front of me, so I put on my failing breaks (damn it to having to get the third pair of breaks in three years!!!!)… I decided to check behing me one more time to make sure nobody had snuck up on me. I was clear and when I turned my eyes back in front of me… what did I see but the car in front of me stopped and my car still going full force about oh, i’d say half a foot away. I jerked my wheel to the side, did a crazy lane change and passed it with inches to spare. I know somebody probably called me a crazy driver and wondered what in the hell was wrong with me…


I really don’t know how that happened, or how I got out of it without an accident… but I’m so thankful… It was such a close call! SHEW!!!!!

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*Hugs* Go you!! Dont you hate traffic? it makes a pleasant drive go on for hours 🙁

October 22, 2001

*hugs* Thank goodness!

October 22, 2001

glad to know you’re okay

OMG hun thank goodness God was your passenger! ~hugs~ I am so happy that you are okay.

<— here i am. it's me. Jordan. I've missed you, too.

the arrow is pointing the wrong way. heh. —–> there.

awww….at least you are okay.

*sighs with relief that you’re ok* i s’pose that’s a sign that you’re still needed around here. jonathon especially, but also to share with the world the beauty you radiate. thanks for sticking around.

i’m so glad you’re okay!!!! *WHEW!!*

Oh god, don’t remind me that I need to get my brakes done…ack! Glad you are okay though! 🙂

for the love of nice tits, you don’t need any god damned french fries!!!

I don’t know why anyone bothered leaving a note about something as meaningless as french fries. How about the fact that you have 2 bastard kids by different “fathers”, neither of whom are around, and then you move the next guy who will fuck you in with your kids that already have behavior issues after how many “dates”?

And now you’re having unprotected sex and will have another kid you can’t take care of with a third loser who will eventually leave. You need serious help.