caught sugar handed!
Know what sucks?
When you’re chowing down on that SUPER DELICIOUS sugar salt on the bottom of a honey roasted peanuts can (blorp( and someone catches you and looks at you like you’re a crazy fat pig. (well my fingers were all in my mouth and i was saying "mmm yummo"… yeah…)
that’s what sucks.
but damn that was good…
there were 3 nuts left. i figured i could have the sugar as compensation!
*giggles* I hate getting caught midway of eating something I knew people would judge me for eating…
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i always tip back a bag of chips so i can get every last crumb
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I harken back to the day when I used to live above a pub after… after my 5th Birthday. I used to eat dry roasted peanuts all the time. That powder stuff that collects in bottom is like crack. I’ve been know to buy big bags of the stuff, leave the nuts and go straight for the savoury, savoury powdered goodness. That doesn’t make me weird does it?
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hahaha you silly. I like the new colors
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