Yeah, so I’m just sitting around, learning how to edit php code, making super cool awesome stuff for my website (that has been there all along but my dumb ass didn’t know to look for it!) and feeling anxious because I want it all done NOW and I don’t know where to start and HI.
I’m doing a sneak peek of my next novel on the site starting tomorrow. If you cared, you’d be a member. If you didn’t know you cared, you’d go sign up right now.
Then, you’d be able to read it next week and feel SPECIAL. or not.
maybe you don’t care about my dumb book. SO FINE, BE THAT WAY.
but my website is about to get exponential awesome points and you might want to care now.
I’m so hungry. My husband is bringing me spicy chicken. Hurry husband! hurry!
loveyoupeople! muah!
Humanity Scar: Last Words (Journal 1) for your Amazon Kindle today! Click Here!
Click here for page!
Basic E-Reader editions will be available soon! I’ll keep you posted!
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(A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)
I care it’s just doing it when I feel up to going to websites and not I guess I can view it on the tab some websites require things with this thing and I hope it’s normal. What’s the information to sign up.
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hahaha that just reminded me of those spicy chicken bowls you always used to write about!
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