bitchy rant

I have a really bad feeling.

I’m going to become one of "those" people.

I have already decided when or if the nurse calls me back I’m going to tell her where to shove her medical advice.

I am going to tell her that I am NOT taking my kids to the Dr until I deem it necessary. And I would like for her to stop calling me.

I am not going to be pushed around or made to feel like I’m doing something wrong when I know I’m not.

I’m sure, eventually, the school will know me by name and face.

They will inwardly groan. "Oh no, not Ms. Doucette."

Yes, it is me. and you can all hate me.

I truly wish I could remove my kids from that entire system.

I do NOT like the government all up in my business. I do NOT believe it takes a fucking village to raise my kids. If my kids went to school malnourished, dressed in rags, unkept and uncared for and basically neglected, then SURE say something, do something. But my kids are thriving, healthy, well cared for little brats and there is NO REASON for them to be all up my ass.

I have been a single parent since they were born. I have never needed anyone to tell me what to do and just because my children are suddenly in their crackheaded system, they think they can tell me what to do. I am FIERCELY independent. I am not going to suddenly change the way I do things for a stupid school system who can barely run itself, let alone the household I have ran for 8 + years on my own without ANY OF THEIR MOTHER FUCKING HELP.

they can try to do it all they want, but I’m not listening! They are giant self righteous bullies with their heads up their asses, and they think they can boss me around.

Well, they don’t know who they are messing with because I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT. the only thing they can do to my ass is kiss it and keep on walking because I am not going to succomb to their stupid mentality of having to be second parents to every little kid they come across. I’ms ure there are worse off kids than mine.

And I’m going to stand up for myself and be a mighty mighty bitchtone and they can suck it.

damn it.

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October 16, 2009

You tell them Mo’ Fo’s!!!

October 16, 2009

i just wouldnt answer the phone, i dont answer numbers i dont know anyways hehe..

October 16, 2009


October 16, 2009

you are one amazing mom!

hellz to the yeah!

October 16, 2009

You tell ’em! The Government should work on other things instead of butting into parenting. Which I find funny by the way that when they do interfere it’s with parents who do a really great job with their kids and who actually care. But when it’s parents that are neglectful and just shouldn’t be parents they don’t do anything. *HUGS* to hell with ’em, You are an awesome mom! <3 Annie-Rae

October 16, 2009

Take THAT.. bitches!! I really hope I don’t have this kind of trouble when my little J grows up.

Tell Baboo that you really don’t want to wait for the next earthquake to happen for you to feel the earth moving under you again. Crossing fingers for a sex filled weekend for ya!

Randomness note: I swear I do a double take everytime I see your last name Monique. Why? It’s so close to the spelling of my last name- Douçot Take care and have a ~wicked~ weekend! =)

Yes! Take that stupid nosey bitches!

October 16, 2009

Hmmm…I seem to be hearing the term, “People with their heads up their asses,” a lot lately! Must mean, they’re “being ignorant, and not facing their own reality!” Interesting, to say the least! And, I back you up in this! HUGS

October 19, 2009

Did they contact you again???