another bad idea: Zombie Bites Mid-Orgasm


I need to write things out. I’m forgetting what happened this weekend.

Uhh… Friday.

So I went to the school and discovered that I would have to go to Lancaster to get the transfer paperwork…

Oh crap, I need to see if I can get a copy of my proof of residency paperwork. The damn school isn’t answering!!! ahhh!!!!

hold on, let me call the social worker (like how schizo I am already?!)

Ok, so she didn’t answer. what else is new.

I was hoping to MAYBE get his clothes tomorrow… I’ll try again later. I think I’ll just call the main office. It’s retarded to not be able to talk to someone and if I can save myself from having to drive there a second time that would be nice, especially since gas is retarded again.

Anyway, so after all that I came home and was basically a slob of laziness until it was time to get Baboo and go clean his place.

When we got there I got started on the bathroom and it was just a filth. Not in like a really horrible gross way…. just DIRT. like I got on the floor and sprayed some cleaner and it was like night and day after I wiped it once. Insanity. It was a very thick layer of just dirt and dust and after scrubbing and cleaning my back was KILLING ME. Oh well…

We got it all cleaned in under 2 hours and I have a rain check for a lower back massage. I could really use it now for some reason…

We decided to go out to dinner after at the Burbank Bar and Grill and we had sandwiches and salads and a giant brownie sundae for dessert. The hostess was a ditz and tried to make us sit outside saying the dining room was full when we could see at least 3 empty tables from teh door! We ended up seating ourselves. lol

I think the place is overpriced. Not sure I’ll go back. I ended up having a Newcastle. That beer is yum.

After that we went home and continued to drink. I only had a few beers. Baboo however had a few Jack and cokes and beer on top of that. He was pretty wasted. We got into a discussion about marriage and basically planned out our wedding! That is HILARIOUS to me, but cute in a way. I was like "You want to have a real wedding with a ceremony and stuff?" and he was like "yes, I do!" We even talked about babyness some more… it was adorable.

Then I got to talk to my Kim on webcam for a bit! but my webcam was being a total jerkoff and kept freezing up. It made me sad. I need a new camera!!!!

After that we learned about DJ AM dying, and Baboo got really upset. He didn’t even really care about him, but he got really sad. I guess it was the fact that he had survived that plane crash and had a new lease on life just to throw it away. It hit him pretty hard.

Baboo cried!!!

So we were trying to find some news coverage, but nothing was on (at 2 in the morning, why should it?!) and I was just gonna go to sleep when Baboo came out of the bathroom naked and proceeded to pounce on me! Some very intense sex occured.

However, during my first orgasm I was on top and he leaned forward and bit right into my boob!!!!  That bitch hurt!!! Some people like pain while in the act, and I’m one of them, but to have SUDDEN PAIN in the middle of an orgasm is just mood breaking. Pain before and during is nice, but not right in the middle. Anyway, it was funny cuz my brain was completely taken out of it, but my body continued and it was just weird to feel myself completing the orgasm, but not be able to enjoy it. lol. I ended up slapping his face!!!

Anyway, he made up for it by doing me a hundred different ways for another 40 minutes. rawr. I got 2 more orgasms that were not interrupted by zombie bites!

I got tired at one point and he was like "I think you can go a little more!!!"


So yeah, that was nice. And like I wrote, he totally didn’t remember it. poor guy.

After that he went to shower and I passed out, next thing it was the morning.

We lazed around until we dropped the boys off at the evil little shit Connors house for a play date. Then we went to his parents house!


I’ll continue with the rest later. I gotta get back to the grind!

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August 31, 2009


August 31, 2009

Lucky lucky!

August 31, 2009

Umm… ouch. But it sounds like it was well worth it in the long run 🙂

August 31, 2009

RYN: Thanks. 🙂

August 31, 2009

I loooove New Castle. Sounds like friday night was a good night for you, cept the biting.

August 31, 2009

I love being bitten but sometimes Sheri gets really carried away. She has a tendancy to nibble on my lower lip but if she gets going she’ll chomp down and not even realize it.

I love drunk sex sometimes. Glad you had a good bout of it.

Awwwwwwww I think that’s first time I’ve read you talk about an actual wedding. I mean, I know you’ve talked about divorce and babies…. but how sweet!

It upsets me too- about DJ AM, and the whole surviving the plane crash just to die a year later. It really sucks that the meds they say he OD’d on he was taking to help curb his anxiety FROM the plane crash. It’s horribly ironic. And I’m glad Phill and I aren’t the only ass-backward couple that has planned our entire wedding out before getting engaged. *sigh*