And yet, it’s only Wednesday

I feel like this week has been going on and on forever. I don’t know when it’s going to end. I can’t believe it’s only Wednesday… why isn’t it Friday yet, I ask you!!!!

I wasn’t at work yesterday. I didn’t have a car. I have no clue whats wrong with my car. I don’t know when or if it’s going to get fixed. I hate nagging people when they are the ones doing me a favor… but come on! If I had it in a mechanics shop, it would be finished promptly. As it is now, I’m working on this friends time line… and they have a regular job, a family, and other obligations far more important that my car. I understand that… but my freakin car is pretty damn important to me anyway!!!! I’ll probably have to use more of my precious sick time tomorrow, because I won’t have transportation to work. I can’t take a bus or a commuter van because I live 45 miles out of anybodys town, in any direction. I can’t get up at 2, take my dad to work, wait until 7 to pick him up and get home at 8 and not be able to feed or take care of my son.

I mean, yesterday wasn’t so bad though. I was able to sleep in, snuggle, spend some quality time with Jonathon. But I kinda wanted to come to work. I wanted to be out of the house, moving, thinking, doing something. What an irony, I hate work, and yet I missed it. I guess I’m just not trying to like being home, because then I’d really be upset that I have to work. Regardless, I want my car back. I need my car back. I have to get my car back.

The only good thing is that I do have Friday off, with Monday as a holiday as well. If my car isn’t fixed by Friday, I’ll have to take it to someone who can so that by next Tuesday, I’m able to come in to work.

God, why can’t it be Friday? Why, why, why?!!!!

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LOL I think we all spend too much time rushing our lives for the weekends…Wednesday is hump day girl. It is not so bad. I sure hope you get your car back soon…and in working condition!!! ~hugs~

I wish it was Friday to…:-( It will come sooner than we realise…i hope…

aww… I soooooo understand EXACTLY where you are right now!.. I wish it were Friday too, cause I would be that much closer to getting my truck on Monday.. geesh girly.. if our lives don’t run parrallel.. hehe.. I hope things look up for you! =) *biiiiig hug*

I really feel for you. I know that when you’re working sick time is like gold and you hate to use it unless you are coughing up a lung or some other body inard. The only thing I can suggest is to keep yourself bust at home. Use this time to wash windows, scrub floors, bake cookies…anything. Maybe you will feel better about being home if you keep busy. -Peace

Friday.. Yuck on Fridays.. I have a party of 80 I have to wait on Friday night.. a party of forty on Sat. night.. Sunday get up early, take the kids to church.. When did I quit having time to breathe?? LOL