A Night in the Twilight Zone

OMG what happened last night?!


I’m being drama.

ignore me.

Someone just said I looked nice. I feel like crap on legs and my hair is horrendous… but ok. I’ll take the compliment!

Anyway, it’s a miracle I’m even awake right now.

Last night was a giant mess, but good in ways.

So anyway, while I was on the way from work I got a text from my brother that the kittens had FLEAS ON THEM.

Jesus! I told him to moisten a towel with the flea spray and wipe the fleas off (he said that they had at least 10 on each of their bellies! poor babies!) and then take another towel and wet it and rinse them off. Then dry them. After Baboo’s class we went to Petco and got 100 dollars in flea crap… some flea shampoo, house bombs, advantix for puppy and a cheaper brand for the cats (I just couldn’t afford another 69 dollars PER CAT and Ember might not even be able to use any cuz she’s nursing kitties. so she’ll be getting flea baths and shit for weeks… bah!) We decided we’d do a major house clean on Saturday and then bomb the house sunday and we’d go to the beach… and somehow during the course of the evening, our beach trip has turned into a family Bible study… DON’T ASK ME HOW! LAST NIGHT WAS REALLY WEIRD!!!

So let me go back, so I told my brother to clean the babies (who are freakin ADORABLE. 4 patchy grey, orange, black and white ones with stripes and one almost all black one that we like the most. I’m hoping it’s a girl so we can keep her! Baboo is in love! I’m getting ahead of myself again…) and i got Baboo. We had an hour to kill before his class so I took a nap in a chair and he watched weird "It’s always sunny in philadelphia" which gave me messed up dreams about molestation…

Then I dropped him off and went to the gym. first time in months!

YAY I FOUND PARKING right in front!

I did 20 minutes on eliptical (and almost died, I was going all out) and 15 on the bike (not as fast). There was an aerobics/salsa class going on and all they did was scream and it annoyed me!!!

Some hot guy kept eyeing me. I eyed him back. I thought "I’m not in shape, what are you looking at?!"

I guess I"m just THEXY! I was wearing red. Red makes me look good.

Anyway, after that I went and found a nice free parking spot next to some school administration building and listend to Dr. Drew talk about nationalized healthcare on the radio. Interesting. His views were opposite what I thought they’d be, and it’s intriguing to hear it come from the mouth of an actual doctor.

wooty woo.

so I got baboo, we went to the pet store and then he didn’t want to go home. he wanted to go out ot dinner AGAIN.

We have been living way too extravagantly, and it’s almost like an addiction. *sigh*

Well, since my kids were home and already fed and bathed and ready for bed (according to a text from my brother, also stating kittens were clean and happily nursing) we went to Elephant Bar by ourselves. Damn I love that place. We got beef dishes, me short ribs and baboo mongolian. We should have traded dishes. Mine was sweet and his was spicy. Oh well! I had a weak margarita that barely did anything to me. shocker!

(the shocker!!!!)

During dinner we somehow got to talk ing about the Bible and religion and our upbringing (and the zombie apocalypse?!) and on the drive home we decided we’d have a family Bible study since we both can’t really do the church thing right now, but we know we sorta want the boys to be exposed to more spiritual beliefs and yeah… it was sorta crazy…

Anyway, after that we went home and I spent a few minutes with my kids. Jonathon had gone crazy so I gave him standards to do. I checked the kitties who were in fact clean and happy. They still have ambilical chords attached! I guess those will fall off, but it’s cute.

I picked up the black one and showed baboo and he was like "is that the panther? Why did you do this to me sally, now I like it!!!"

ha ha, i knew it would be easy for him to fall in love with one. I surely hope it’s the ONLY FEMALE. But we can’t check sex yet. damn!

Anyway, Mama was in there with her babies and she’s doing so awesome. Way better than I thought. I’ve seen first time mama cats running away from their babies and having to be forced to feed, but she was there and looking at me like "put my baby back!" and as soon as I set it down she licked him and put her paw over him.

lol, silly Ember. Silly flea ridden Ember! My brother is gonna wash her today so hopefully we can keep fleas off the kittens for now.

After all that and putting my kids to bed (after jacob bugged me to take him to toys r us.. wth?!) i went to harvest some carrots and aloe vera (lol)… and baboo brought me a beer.

whatever. it was after 10, I should have said no, but i took it and it was delicious.

and then baboo ran me off the computer by FARTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME and i took a shower and passed out.

but baboo turned into Drunken Shuffle Man and stayed up till god knows when and made himself more drinks. I hate when he does that!!!!

I woke up once to him on the computer and passed out again…

only to be woken up around 1:30 on my stomach with my pants around my ankles and a sex act in progress!!!!

Ha ha, he wasn’t quite succeeding until I put some effort into lifting my butt in the air and aiming him properly. lol.

And oh lordy (YES SEX TALK DAMN IT!), what sex was had.

3.5 orgasms later (I say .5 cuz I was pleasantly on my way to another as he pounded my g spot into delicious oblivion… and then he stopped! lol, it was nice tho) we’re laying there talking and we CAN’T STOP TALKING and I’m like "lets go to bed" and he’s like no!

but i forced him.

but before that we talked about babies some more and his friends break up with his non girlfriend and how baboo wants to crash her birthday party and buy her a camera and I’m like WHAT?! NO!!! Seriously, if ANYONE IS GETTING A FUCKING CAMERA IT’SME!

I was just pissed. he had a hand in breaking hers , sure, but her best friend was also involved, it was over a month ago, it was during a drunken party and she wouldn’t let him replace it then. so now she’s trying to tell his friend to make him buy her a new one and I’m like "dude, no, she’s being a cunt" and that’s that. I have neve rmet her, but I don’t like her. She can bite me.

I don’t want to go to her dumb birthday party. It’ll be awkward and I’ll end up fighting with her. plus, she’s not even dating his friend anymore and she sounds like a twat and yeah… but no!


so yeah, whatever.

we didn’t get to sleep till after 2 am and Baboo said he’d pay for me to drive in to work again. I told him that we are cut off for at least 2 weeks. No more alcohol damn it!


we’re so broke it’s not even funny. Not in the sense that I can’t provide for my family, that is always something that frustrates me. I’m doing fine with food and shelter and bills and clotehs. but extra money? there is none.


especially after the flea treatment shopping spree. I hope it works. We are also gonna pick up some boric acid.

damn bugs! I HATE YOU!

i have a frappucino this morning. It’s not as good as the one I had yesterday.

but the caffiene rush will come.

is it wrong to be excited for it?

i’m a junky. sue me.

I should go do work.

ok, fine i will.



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September 3, 2009

I felt like you typed that really fast and when I read it, I read it that way too. I think your caffeine is getting to me too. lol.

September 3, 2009

How deep of a sleeper are you that he’s already in the act before you wake up? If Sheri so much as rolled in my direction I’m wide awake let alone her trying to disrobe me.

September 3, 2009

That was INSANE. I can’t even make sense of what’s going on here. sex, bible study, zombies, fleas, cameras. WHAT. I just bought a new camera.

September 3, 2009

LOL…you’re so funny!!!

i love your entries lately. i love reading about all the good stuff with you and baboo. hope your kitties get rid of their fleas soon!!!

September 3, 2009

I want some of whatever you’re having because my ass is tired lol

September 3, 2009

You went from “the beach” to “family Bible study”???? Ohhh, the boys will be thrilled. I can’t even imagine how this happened. You must explain.

September 3, 2009

its easy to get in habits of eating out! its so easy and yummy and no clean up!!!

September 3, 2009

I would actually be really pissed off if Rich tried to shag me while I was asleep! Well, I’d probably get over it pretty damn quickly, but yeah! I hope you can sort the fleas out – it just makes me sad to think of James’ little kitties 🙁

September 3, 2009

Aw how cute… you sound like me with the Bible Study thing… who needs it most than a heathen like me. 🙂

I’m not doing well in the extra money dept. either. Sure I complain about not having money, as well, but I live pretty comfortably. 🙂 Fleas suck. Been there done that many, many times. Florida is like the flea capital of the world, becuase of the climate.

September 3, 2009

oh my gosh there’s just too much going on here! Lol Patrick just stood next to me, farted, then saw that you wrote that baboo farted by you too so he’s like- haha I just did that.

September 9, 2009

Try Tengard if you’re still having fleas. You’ll have to buy it at a “Do It Yourself Pest Control” place but it works great, I used to be an exterminator. Good luck!