Yet another duty day…

Well I think I said it enough in my past enties, but I have duty today, and well heck the title gives that away. This three section duty sucks ass…! I have a list of things set up to do Friday and Saturday already. First and for most will be to call the case worker and leave a message for her to hear when she comes into work Monday. Not to many people will be working tomorrow, I am sure of that. I will be getting off watch at 0645…I have by far the worst watch to have on a duty day. I have the 02-07 watch on the quarter deck. To make matters worse, it most likely will be cold, and raining on the watch. We are suppose to get wind and rain all day today, and most of tomorrow…but when it comes to that here in San Diego, it’s not a likely thing to happen. I’m surprised that it did as much as it has already down here. The drive in this morning was nice, even if the roads were wet. Had it been a “normal” work day, it would have been horrible…to say the least. The drivers here are the worst when it comes to driving in the rain.

I’m a bit bummed right now…I did not bring with me the cord for my lap top…and well no more games for me today. The cord for my cell phone isn’t that bad of a thing…I’m not going to use my cell phone today anyway. It doesn’t work on the ship, so no need to have it turned on while I am there. And I’m not going to be here on the barge much…yeah I am here now, but that is because I needed to use the bathroom. All that coffee I drank this morning is working on me…!

Well I think I am going to go lay down…nothing else is going on, and yeah, I’m not in a very good mood. I’ll be back to write something else…

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Well Excuse ME! But I can’t afford an update of memory right now. Maybe you should take that into consideration before making snotty ass comments. We are not as rich as you Have a good day