Yeah…I’m bored…!

Okay, here is the deal, I am sitting here in a nice air conditioned inter-net cafe in Bahrain…! It is hotter than hot outside, and well there is such a time difference between here and all the people I know back in the states that I have no one to talk to right now…! It is 12:10 in the afternoon, so that makes it 2:10 in Califorina and 4:10 am in Kansas. So yeah…not to many people are awake and chatting at that time of the morning…! At lease I know I wouldn’t be if I was back there. Now yes, I have been awake at times when I should be sleeping…or I got woke up, and could not fall back to sleep. That has happened more times that I can count. With three kids and all three of them having different dreams, or different needs threw the night and was the only one to care for them for so long…yeah it’s surprising that I got any sleep at times.

Anyway…I have no idea what I am talking about now…so why don’t I just save myself the fact that I could get into a self argument, or have more questions to ask when this is read by people. Then again…a self argument could be fun. Has been a while since I did get into one of those. Yeah, but that would mean I would have to think, and I really don’t feel like doing that right now. Oh I know…really hard to do, think huh…? Well just to let you know, it can be harder to keep from thinking, than thinking. Trying sleeping at night, and all that is going on in your mind is things that don’t need to be there. Thoughts about what my kids are doing, or who is taking what from my house. What is the mother in law saying about me now. Why the hell did two checks I sent for two different months get cashed on the same day. 600 dollars that was sent for my kids…GONE…! Poof and they want more from me too…! I’m like come on now…I’m not bank of Rick here. Anyway, I’ll get that figured out soon enough though. I will contact people to make sure the money I am sending is being spent on my kids, not the habbits of those people…!

Well I’m out…will come back and write more later. I’m in yahoo chat now pissing people off…! Something I do rather well it seems.


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