What to call this…?

Alright….I have duty today, and it could be worse.  Sunday duty is not the end of the world…really it’s not.  I have gotten in enough sleep here for the day, so I think I will be alright for a while.  I had someone hit me up this morning on yahoo…it was just a little after 0400…!  Guess I should have put up my “I’m sleeping message” not, “I’m laying down, buzz if you want me.”  Never the less, my morning got going early as all get out…I filled up my gas tank, my coffee cup at my gas station I stop at every day…I so like that place.  Then I came on into work.  I got here, changed and waited for muster.  After that was done, I went to go lay down.  I slept for like an hour, but had to go to the bathroom to much to stay sleeping.  I came over here to the barge, took care of that problem, and checked e-mail…and some stuff.  Then I went back over to the ship, the space I “work” in, and layed back down.  Slept for another three hours or so…maybe not a full three, but it was close enough.  Once I get done with this I will go get my bag, and go back over to the ship and watch a movie on my lap top.  Try not to race to far ahead into my up and coming week.  It’s going to be a long…tough week, but I think I can make it threw it.  The hardest day will Wednesday…Tomorrow will be hard because I have duty today, and the 02-07 watch…I’ll be up from 0130 until who knows when…that’s what is going to suck about tomorrow.  On Tuesday, I will go from my place to the gun range, stand there for 4 hours telling people how to shoot…then I get to “fly” to the marine base, and get working again on my Ford.  What should have been a 3 to 4 hour job max for me turned out to be a full day job, and I still have two hours or so left to go on getting everything back toghter.  I was changing the left front strutt, knuckle, and lower arm…it needed it, and well I knew I could do it.  I got the parts from a junked car…and went to work.  Well when “thing” smacked my car on that center dived, she messed things up more than she knew…that is why I had the hardest of times getting things to move, and taken off.  Come to find out as well…I was given the wrong lower arm…!  I was given a lower arm for the right side, not the left.  Oh I was pissed…!  Well I asked one of the guys at the auto shop that was getting done if he could give me a ride…he did, and thank goodness he did, or I would have been stuck without a ride to get to my Mazda.  But he took me to my Mazda, and then we (me and my Mazda) went to go get the correct lower arm.  That added well over an hour to my “work” time…and that hurt in the long run too…!  Okay, so I get the lower arm, and I get back up there and get working…again.  I get the older lower arm out and am working on getting the new lower arm in.  Come to find out…the barring on the new arm does have the same size of hole for the bolt as the old one.  So…I have to press the old one out, the new out, and put the old barring in the place of the new one.  There is another 30 minutes of “work” time lost…I now know how to use a press though.  That was inter-resting, yet fun at the same time.  So…I get that done, and I get my new lower arm in…!  Finaly…I was happy, but at this time I have 50 minutes left of “work” time.  I still have to put a mount back, I have to put in the strutt and bolt it down.  I have to connect the axle, and get that tight.  There is the tie bar, and some plasict arm that has to be attached too…Oh, I have to take some sensor off too, since my car doesn’t have that on it…not a big deal, but something to do never the less.  Then there is the brake calaper and pads.  To much work for one person in 50 minutes…and I was stressed out by then…nothing was working right, I was mad, and just not in a good mood.  So I called it and end for the day.  Put my things under my car, and washed up.  Rolled up the windows, and set the alarm…oh they are going to love me should the car get hit…!  I know on one will miss with the car…it’s one of those things, you don’t mess with a car that is being worked on…no matter what, unless you are asked.  I am going to be charged 30 dollars for my car sitting there though…4 dollars an hour.  I am using a lift, and those stalls cost more than other stalls.  I would have loved to get my wheel on, and moved, but that wasn’t going to happen.  So…Tuesday, I will fly back up there, get the car done.  I have class Tuesday night, and when I get home, bed time for Rick.  I will have to make sure I eat Tuesday…eatting is going to be a good thing for me.  That is the reason why I snapped at someone last night…and I didn’t mean to do it.  I was joking, but it did not come off that way…and well I really hurt that persons’ feelings.  I was tired, I was still very fired up about the car, and I was just trying to unwhind.  I was told “I’m scary when I am mad…”  It was like…”ah wow…I didn’t know…”  Some people aren’t as keen on my remarks as others…and I forget that from time to time.  So again…I’m sorry.  I am glad that she was able to tell me what I said upset her.  Now that I know, I will try my best to make sure not to do that again. 

I am a little sore from yesterday too…all the moving, and close contact with my car…tools being used and all that stuff.  I’m okay…just makes you know your still alive to feel this way…to know you were doing something.  Glad I have today and tomorrow to “recover…!”  I am going to try to get out of the noonish tomorrow.  I have a lot of clothes I gotta get washed…Rick is about out of socks, and that isn’t a good thing…!  I hate being out of clean socks.  This is the longest I have gone since I moved into my apartment without doing my clothes.  I’m not to up on paying a dollar a load to wash, and a dollar to dry my stuff there at my complex.  I’ll wait and do it for free on the base…!  Need to talk to my division officer and see what we can do about me getting out of here.  My department head is still going to be gone, so that is a good thing.  I can work up some paper work for things that we are going to order…make it look like I have done something today.  One thing I need to do tomorrow, is find out where this range is, so I won’t get lost getting there Tuesday morning.  I am not about to come to the ship, and then drive there…I will drive there, and leave from there at noon Tuesday.  I’m there all day Wednesday, and then noon on Thursday.  Not what I call the best of weeks, but I’ll get over it.  I am just going to be so tired Wednesday…but we’ll see. 

Anyway…that should be enough for now…not what I was really going to talk about, but it doesn’t matter.  I don’t even know what I am going to talk about most of the time when I start a new entry.  So take care…and come back for more when you have time….!

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February 8, 2004

omg starein at him was the BEST part…

me? trouble? NEVER! haha yea right

It’s been awhile! I’ll have to back track to read some of your entries to see what’s been going on with you. My old diary is gone because I didn’t update forever, so here I am with a new name.

RYN: It’s me. exotic_kitten_2003…ring a bell? 😉

February 13, 2004

she’s 18… my sister that is.