weekend stuff

It is the 25th of August, and there is just a week left to this month. At that time, we should be looking at 5 weeks left here in the gulf…or so I hope. There has been a lot of things said about what we are going to be doing in the month of September…but right now there is no idea. The way this ship goes we change what we do on a daily bases. It’s a real pain in the ass too…let me tell you. What is even better is that the only time we do any boarding of the other ships out here is on Sunday’s. I’m not kidding you, the only time we ever do any boarding is on Sunday. Talk about a way to ruin a good day off. I didn’t make the mistake of laying down yesterday, but what I did was lay down to early, and I got like hours worth of a nap in, so that jacked me all up for the night and I couldn’t sleep…at all. So I was up from like 9:30 last night until 10:30 this morning. I am talking about Saturday and Sunday here…it is now 3:30 in the morning on Monday….so I don’t want to confuse anyone. Anyway, I was getting really tired, so I went and laid back down as I said…at like 10:30. Well it wasn’t even 1:30 in the afternoon when the word was passed to muster one of the boarding teams where the gear is stored to get dressed out. I hadn’t even been to sleep for three hours…! Oh I was so pissed. But I got all the gear handed out, and they left…so I stopped in to talk with one of the guys that is working in laundry. Well I got my tee-shirts and socks as well as all my bedding washed for me. Then the boarding team came back and I got all that stuff stowed back away. Watched the rest of the movie that I was getting into and then had supper. After I ate I went back to check on my stuff…and it was done…! YEAH. So I went and put everything away and made my rack and then went to sleep. Oh it was so NICE…clean everything to sleep on. I slept so well…! Then I woke up like an hour before I was to be on watch. So I got enough time to wake up, and well now here I am. We are two hours into a five hour watch…all is quiet. And that is a good thing…!

I will go ahead and bring you up to date on the things I know that is going on back in San Diego. First and for most I haven’t been able to talk to my kids, but I do know they are doing very well. I talked to the in laws, and they both told me that the kids were doing fine. So that makes me feel good to know that. I also know that my Ford wagon should be worked on and fixed up so all my kids and the in laws can go out at the same time. Right now they have a truck and only one kid, the most two kids can go out at a time. And I know that has to be hard to deal with. Those kids were always so much fun to take out all at the same time. It’s is going to be really nice when I get the time to do that…you have no idea how much I miss them kids. Well maybe you do, since I talk about them all the time. But who knows…and now for the best news of all…that so called wife is in jail again…! She was arrested Friday I guess maybe Thursday, I really don’t know. But she was picked up for possession of a controlled substance…(METH). Right now she is in lock up with a 5,000 dollar bail and a hearing on the 27th of August. I don’t know what the courts will do with her this time around. If she were to fall in the three strike rule, she would be gone for a long, long time. This is her third time going to court for shit. Twice this year. But who really knows what will happen. I won’t know what happens until like the 28th or the 29th. The reason I want to know what happens to her is that if she is going to be in lock up for a while, I am going to stop putting money in her account. She has been getting 400 dollars a month from me since I left back in March. She has had a place to stay, a car to get around in, and 400 dollars a month. And she did nothing but fuck it all up…! Drugs, I swear…if there was a way to find the people that make these drugs, that come up with why you would want to make something like METH and sell it…it is a horrible horrible drug. And those people that make it should just be shot…PERIOD. No ifs ands or buts about it. Kill them wipe drugs away and make this a better place for us and our kids. People wonder what is going on with our nation, and well it’s drugs. Lack of respect and drugs that are tearing us apart from the inside. You know what, I am glad that we were able to free Iraq and doing our best to help them…but you know what, when we get done there the military needs to come back home, we need to seal our boarder and we need to clean house. The those who do not belong here out…kill those that fight the rules, clean out all the drug houses and weapons that are being sold illegally. Build bigger jails since there is going to be a huge rise in those that are going to be in jail and make it like it should be. Jail is jail, you don’t get weights, you don’t get cable, you don’t get inter-net, you make license plates, you make clocks, you do hard time in a chain gang. That is what jail is…it’s punishment, and a way for you to pay back for what you did wrong.

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It’s good that your kids are doing OK 🙂