Untitled survey.


[Slept in your bed] I don’t have a bed any more…I just have my rack here on the ship.
[Saw you cry] No one…
[Made you cry] No one makes me cry either… 
[Spent the night at your house] I don’t have a house either…
[You went to the mall with] I haven’t been to a mall in over a year
[Yelled at you] I can’t remember…
[Sent you an email] Becky
[Said they were going to kill you] No one that I know of, but that thing I am married to is lucky I don’t know where she is.


[Said “I love you” and meant it?] I wouldn’t say it, if I didn’t mean it.
[Been to New York?] Yeap
[Been to Florida?] Yeap, loved it…! 
[California?] I live in San Diego…
[Hawaii?] Yes, would so love to get stationed there…
[Mexico?] Oh yeah…!

[China?] Yeap
[Canada?] Yeap
[Danced naked?] If I did, I was really drunk and don’t remember it.
[Dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day?] Nope
[Stalked someone?] Nope
[Had a mud bath?] Nope

[Wished you were the opposite sex?] That would get me into so much trouble…!
[Had an imaginary friend?] Yeap

[Math or English?] I did good in both…
[What are you going to do after you finish this survey?] Go eat lunch, and sleep
[What was the last food you ate?] Eggs for breakfast.
[Are you bored?] Yeap


[Last time you went out of the state] I was out of the states for 8 months, and then came back to be gone again for 10 days.  Went from San Diego to Phonixe, to Jamestown Kansas, and then on to Norfolk Virgina…
[Lucky number?] 69 or 77
[Things you like in a girl/guy?] Girls smell so nice…
[Do you have a crush on someone] Nope
[Do they know?] Hard for them to know, if I don’t have one…
[Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?] Nope
[What do you think of Ouija boards?] It’s wood… 
[What book are you reading now?] Not reading a book right now. 
[What’s on your mouse pad?] Don’t have one.. 
[Favorite board game?] Axis and Allies…
[Favorite magazine?] Penthouse
[Favorite sound?] The sound of my kids laughing with me
[Worst feeling in the world?] Losing my kids like I did… 
[What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?] Where is my coffee, and damn I don’t want to get up 
[Do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters?] I like fun ones… 
[How many rings before you answer?} 2 
[Future daughter’s name?] I don’t know, I already have two girls…
[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] I have… 
[If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?] I have a job…I’m in the Worlds best Navy…! 
[Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?] Righty…
[Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?] If the key board is lucky enough…!
[What’s under your bed?] I don’t have a bed…so nothing…!
[Favorite sport to watch] baseball and football
[Did you have fun doing this] It was alright..

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ryn: thank you. it means a lot