The retun of my brilliants…!

Okay…maybe not really…but still, it’s my diary, and I can call my entries anything I want…so there…!

Well what can I say…duty day.  Sunday…day before the ship gets underway from San Diego for three weeks.  From what is being told already it will be a three day week-end when the ship gets back in.  Section 6 (my section) will have the duty the day the ship pulls in…so really that isn’t a bad deal at all.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday off…Oh heck yeah…!  If it happens, right now, it’s just “talk.”  And on this ship, talk is cheap…real cheap…! 

Now I am reading up on some of the news…it’s the same thing every day…gets hard to read about the same thing every day.  People fighting, killing, blowing shit up.  All over the world…we aren’t going to make it if we don’t stop all of the fighting.  And listen to me…as I sit as part of the world’s most advanced Navy.  But it doesn’t mean a hole lot…

Ah to hell with it…not in the mood right now.  Write more laters…POST

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March 21, 2004

Yeah mothers don’t help matters… irritating, they are. Blah I’m very very bored.

March 22, 2004

Thanks for the note. I know someone in the Navy. He is in Virginia though. Not for too much longer though cause they are moving to San Diego:-)

I hope you get a three day weekend…sorry ot hear about your car…

Hey Rick, don’t know if you remember me b’c I haven’t talked to you since I went away to Alabama for awhile…my life has changed drastically which is why I haven’t been around for over a year. Anyways…I hope you are doing great! Just wanted to say hi to an old friend! I haven’t had time but when I get a chance I will catch up on your diary. Kristi

April 4, 2004

hi rick! *waves*