the layer survey!

— Name: Rick
— Birthplace: Jacksonville
— Eye Color: greenish grey/blue…
— Hair Color: Brown
— Height: 5′ 9″
— Righty or Lefty: Right hander
— Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

— Your heritage: Danish and whatever my mom is.
— Shoes you wore today: I wish I didn’t have to wear shoes, but I have my steel toed boots on.

— Your fears: Not having my kids back in my life at all…
— Your perfect pizza: Lots of ham, bell peppers, mushrooms and cheese.
— Goal you’d like to achieve: Become a great teacher for 2nd or 3rd grades.

— Your thoughts first waking up: I hate waking up, and where the hell is my coffee…?
— Your best physical feature: My eyes…

— Your worst physical feature: Not sure if I have one…but your welcome to tell me if I have one.
— Your bedtime: When I’m tired…
— Your most missed memory: Having my kids hanging all over me, and the kisses they give me.

— McDonald’s or Burger King: Burger king
— Adidas or Nike: Nike

— Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
— Espresso or coffee: coffee

— Smoke: Only when I’m really drunk
— Cuss: Like a sailor…Oh wait, I am one…!

— Sing: I do…
— Take a shower everyday: Nope…I know when I need to shower, and I’m okay if I go a day or two without showering.  I don’t stink, I’m not dirty…so why waste the water…?
— Have a crush(es): Not at this time…

— Do you think you’ve been in love: Yeap…
— Want to go to college: I’ll have to, to get that teaching degree.
— Want to get married: I am, I hate it, and well not sure I’ll do it again…!

— Believe in yourself: Yes, I do…!
— Get motion sickness: Nope
— Think you’re attractive: Nope…

— Think you’re a health freak: Nope
— Get along with your parent(s): Yeap
— Play an instrument: I use to play clairnet

Have you in the past month…
— Drank alcohol: Yeap
— Smoked: Nope                                                                   
— Done a drug: Nope, and I have no reason to.
— Had Sex: Yeah
— Made Out: Yeap
— Gone on a date: Nope
— Gone to the mall?: Nope
— Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, but I do have two bags in my car…!
— Eaten sushi: BLAH…No
— Been on stage: Nope
— Been dumped: I have to date someone first…! 
— Gone skating: Nope
— Made homemade cookies: Nope

— Gone skinny dipping: I wish…!
— Dyed your hair: What hair…?
— Stolen anything: Nope…

— Been trashed: I think so…
— Been caught “doing something”: Uh huh…
— Been called a tease: Yeap
— Gotten beaten up: Yeap

— Shoplifted: Oh yes….

— Changed who you were to fit in: Hell no…take me as I am, or just leave me the hell alone…!


— Age you hope to be married: I got married at 27…and well yeah, not sure if it will happen again.

— Numbers and Names of Children: I have already…Brooke, Ricky and Abigail 
— Describe your Dream Wedding: Please…!

— How do you want to die: Quickly…
— Where you want to go to college: Kansas State…!

— What do you want to be when you grow up: I am what I am, and that is what I will be…

— What country do you most want to visit: None…I just want to be back home in Kansas

In a guy/girl..
— Best eye color?: The color of the eyes really doesn’t matter…
— Short or long hair: I like longer hair, but short can be so cute…
— height: I like shorter, but it doesn’t matter.
— Best articles of clothing: This is easy…NAKED…!  Oh wait, sorry…I like my tight jeans.  You pick what you like the best…

— Number of drugs taken illegally: One
— Number of people I could trust with my life: 4

– Number of CDs that I own: Right now…10

— Number of piercings: One
— Number of tattoos: None
— Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: I don’t know, but I am sure my mom knows. 
— Number of scars on my body: To many to count….
— Number of things in my past that I regret: Nothing…it’s my life, and well I wouldn’t change it for what I have done or not done.

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