Survey part 2

What is the dumbest movie you’ve ever seen?] Dumb and Dumber

[Do you drive?] Yes I do….

[What is your dream car?] A Shelby Mustang

[Do you think your good looking?] I look like what I look like…it’s not up to me if I think I look good.

[Do others think you’re good looking?] Yeah…even though I have no idea why they think that.

[Would you ever sky dive?] Hell YES…!

[Do you believe in Bigfoot?] Nope

[How many rooms do you have in your house?] I don’t have a house right now…

[Are you afraid of roller coasters?] Nope

[Do you believe in God?] Yes

[Do you believe in Satan?] yes

[Do you believe there is a heaven?] Yes

[Who/what is on your 2003 calendar?] I don’t have one right now

[How many U.S. states have you been to?] A lot…

[Ever wished on a shooting star?] Yeap

[Best Halloween costume you ever wore?] Don’t think I had any…but I made a pretty girl that one year my mom dressed me up.

[Do you carry any weapons on you?] Yeap

[What is your weakness?] My kids…

[Name something you can’t get enough of:] Coffee

[Describe yourself in 3 words:] old, bald, broken

[How many kids do you want to have?] I have 3 already…

[Future daughters names:] Kathy

[Future sons names:] Not sure…

[What is your ideal way to die?] There is no ideal way to die…just make it quick though…and hell why not in my sleep.

[How do you release stress?] I cuss, I run, I write…

[Are you a trendy person?] Not even close

[Are you an artisitic person?] Nope

[Are you a realistic person?] I try…

[Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off?] I don’t do that with my work boots since there is a zipper on the side. All others, yes I do.

[Are you a strong person?] I can hold my own…

[Are you a strong willed person?] When I need to be…

[Who is the last person to e-mail you?] Jason, Connie, Terasa

[Who is the last person to IM you?] Mina…

[Do you hate chain e-mails?] Some of them I do, but some are nice.

[Are you a deep sleeper?] I can be…

[Are you a good story teller?] I think I am

[What do you believe is your best quality?] I can make you laugh…

[What is your greatest accomplishment?] Not killing anyone yet….

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Thanx for ur note. ryn: I know how sad it is to be away from family, I left home like a year ago, move in with my bro n sis in another country, I lost my dad 4 months after I left. I only saw him 4 days within that 4 months and now he’s gone forever. My mom is coming to live with us soon tho. yay!

hey… to put your entries in the diary circles, go to the survey circle, and on the top left, where Edit this Entry, Write in my diary, etc. usually are, it says, “submit an entry”… i only worked that out the other day, so i was happy 🙂 hope it goes good!! axil

cruising the survey circle for new surveys….