Six Day Update (cont. II)

Well in a strange turn of events today, it thought it had to rain here in San Diego…!  Go figure, rain and no one even guess that it would happen…but if they did, I wouldn’t have know, I was sleeping when the news came on last night.  As soon as I laid down I was out…guess waking up 0420 that morning wore me out, or something.  I did do a lot of running around San Diego too.  I went and got another part for my Ford…it’s in my Mazda now…it’s HUGE…!  I had to put my back seats down and everything.  Once I get this thing in, thing with my Ford should be good to go.  Only time will tell though…I will have to get a new left brake rotor.  The one that is one there I believe has been bent, or warped when the car took that hit.  When I put on the brakes, you can feel the front shake, and the most of it comes from the left hand side.  So…make me believe that it’s the rotor.  I will see if the hobby shop can take a look at it for me, since I will have to take my tired off when I do this next job on the car.  I will have to take the hole lower bracket off, and replace it…that is going to be a pain in the ass…!  I’m looking at 6 to 7 hours for this…if I’m lucky.  If…being the big word here.  I do not know how I will get both cars to the base, becaues I know I won’t get the Ford done in one day…and I’m not going to take the part in my Mazda out, and put it in the Ford.  So who knows…I’ll figure something out.  I always do…! 

I did find out one thing yesterday…the San Diego blood bank won’t take blood from someone if they have had sex with someone that they paid, or if someone they have been with, has been paid either with money, or drugs for sex.  The reason I say that, I did have sex with that “thing” sometime before I left on deployment March 12th of 2003.  I do not remember when it was…but since this is still the middle of Feburary, and I would guess it was near the end of Feburary last year when it happened, I still have to wait another month or so before I can give blood.  I was surprised when I found this out, but so goes the life.  I did get my blood pressure taken, and that finger prick thing done.  Can’t forget about the temp too…All was very good when it came to that stuff though.  138/80 I think was blood pressure, temp 98.7…!  Not sure what the finger prick reading was…but she didn’t jump up and run out of the room, so I guess that was good as well. 

Okay…on a note about my kids…I was suppose to see them yesterday.  Well it didn’t happen.  I got to the hospital, and low and behold the doctor that was suppose to be there was gone for the week-end already, and I was told that I now have visitations that are going to happen else where.  I was like…”really…?”  So I went from there to the office where my case worker works, only to find out that she was gone for the day too.  I talked to the supervisor, and she had no idea what was going on with the visits.  So now come Tuesday, I will be on the phone with the case worker, trying to get all this figured out, and find out when I will be able to see my kids.  It has been three weeks now, and I’m getting pretty pissed about this too.  I believe I have been jerked around enough, that things need to change.  I am not at all happy with the way things have been going around here.  And I didn’t like that doctor that was sitting in visits either…there was something about her…I know I have to be more specific when I talk to the case worker about this…the telling her what I didn’t like about that doctor.  I also need to talk about the fact that it should be up to me if the visits get cancelled, not the mother in law.  They aren’t her kids…she is just the one taking care of them.  The case worker shouldn’t even be able to cancell a visit.  So we shall see…

Well…I’ll be back again…so laters…!

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ryn: ew i don’t like bananas = you live in san diego?? my aunt lives there. she absolutely loves it. do you like it? i’m considering going to school there. hmmm..

i don’t like banana’s cuz they taste gross and they are mushy. = but mostly cuz they taste gross, cuz not all mushy things are bad…like mashed potatoes. those are good.

February 16, 2004

sorry about before that the pics didnt work, check out my latest entry, those do work!!

February 17, 2004

ryn, yeah its no prob for letting you know… 🙂 i just wanted everyone to know that.. i screwed up.. or more or less we’ll blame it on OD but yeah, So Hope you enjoyed 🙂

you could…but i’d have to charge mileage

lol i donno

February 19, 2004

my fingers would be falling off because they were so cold… and I might have been a bit delusional as they have not fallen off as of yet.