
Okay, so it’s my new word for the whatever, however long I so chose to use it…GET OVER IT…!  brilliant…!  Now then…I have gotten all the people on my favorit list read and  up to date.  I am on duty, I have printed something from someones diary to take with me so I can read it while I have the 2200-0200 watch.  I will be sitting down, and since my lap top is getting looked at, I won’t have a lot to do on watch.  I could read my book, and I am sure I will bring that with me…and something to snack on.  Maybe some popcorn, I don’t know.  We’ll see what I feel like when the time gets closer. 

I did get to see my kids yesterday.  Things went very well…the girls came right to me and hugged me and Brooke, (my oldest) was very happy to see me.  There was only two things wrong…the kids called me Rick, and that mother in law is now “mom” to the kids.  That is something that is going to change…and my attorny that is working with me for the kids will hear about this.  I will not stand by and have that woman be called “mom” when she is not that to those kids.  The case worker, who thankfuly is being transfered really didn’t have much to say about that when I talked to her today about that.  She said “well talk about it durning the visits…”  And well I will.  I will talk to the doctor that is in there, and find out why the kids aren’t calling me daddy like they should.  I was ready for them to not call me daddy…the case worker tipped her hand on that one to me a couple weeks ago.  But to hear them call “her” mom, that just blew me away…! 

I spent almost 60 dollars in stuff for the kids…I got them each a coloring book.  I got Brooke a new set of crayons…the books that I got Ricky and Abigail had four crayons with it…and well Brooke is older and can handle the smaller crayons.  I was wrong…Abigail wanted the smaller crayons…!  But she was happy with being able to color with the markers too.  Those kids are just…brilliant…!  And I am so lucky to have them in my life.  I am not going to go down without a fight…and well no one has any idea how much of a fight I will put up…!  I may not be big, but damn it, I will not go down…ever.  Not when it comes to my kids, and getting them back in my life.  I got a start yesterday seeing them…and well I do feel a lot better now.  But there is still so much to do, and so much ground to make up.  Time will tell though, and it will be shown somehow that I was not the bad person in their life.  Knowing that Brooke ran right up to me and hugged me was proof enough that I didn’t do anything wrong…because I am sure that mother in law has said enough nasty things about me since I have been gone to get those kids to think things that aren’t right.  And yes I know kids do love the parent if things happen….that does happen…but an evil person can’t be good all the time…it comes out, it shows, it is there.  It happens, and it can’t be stopped.  I am not evil…I am loving, I am a great dad, and I love my kids.  I was in the wrong for not getting rid of that person I was married to a hole lot sooner.  And she is still costing me money…but that is about to be done with. 

I don’t know if I put it in here…talking about my Dodge Neon, and how it was missing.  Well I know where it is at now…and it’s going to cost me about 800 dollars or so to get my car out of the impound yard.  The car got a ticket for the registation being exspired…well the officer that put the ticket on the car marked the tire and came back 72 hours later, the car had not moved, so it was towed.  There is a no parking for great than 72 hour thing here in San Diego…So now, since the police took the car, the ticket was going to be for 25 dollars.  Now it is 50 dollars, since what the car was towed for, and the first ticket were not the same.  Talk about fucking you in the drive threw…!  There is 135 dollar fee that I have to pay to El Cajon police…then there is the inbound fee.  Right now it is 506 dollars…going up 21 dollars a day…!  So I have to get the car out…because it’s just going to get worse for me to have to pay.  That is just to top off an already fun filled Friday for me…I am going to go see my sister for the week-end…I get to talk to the Commanding Office at 1400.  That will get me out of here at 1430 or so…and on the road soon there after.  I know the way now, so it will be a good trip for me…as long as my car doesn’t act like it did the last time I went to see my sister.  So we shall see…

Laters all…!

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what did i tell you? fight for your kids they belong with you and you did nothing wrong.

YEA!!!!!!!! thats the attitude! screw her over and get the kids!!!!

aww, your kids sound adorable.. im so glad you got to see them.. you sound like a very caring father.. thats wonderful..-beth

This is the way it should be that your daughter ran up to you and hugged you.Glad you found your Neon even though it is costing you money atleast you found it.I am glad things are going your way….

January 16, 2004

*yays* I’m happy you got to see your kids… and as for that thing in my diary, I found it whilst I was reading someones livejournal… here’s the link if you want it, the thing is in there.

hun in her eyes you will be screwing her over

January 17, 2004

I hope you have a good trip. Does this mean you’ll get a new social worker? I hope so because this one didn’t seem to be very effective.

January 22, 2004

ryn: sometimes life doesn’t go on. especially when you lose one of the last people you have to lose, and the only reason you lose them is because you’re stupid and selfish. sometimes life doesn’t go on. sometimes you don’t want it to. and that’s what people don’t understand right now.

January 22, 2004

“…” to you too.