Sept 4th part 2

Anyway, didn’t mean to get on a ramble about my son…but hey it’s my son, so I can do that if I want to. As for things I need to do in San Diego…I already told you the first and for most. I will get my cell phone turned back on, I will try to track down my Neon…get that out of the hands of that bitch that is using it. She doesn’t need that car…she needs a jail cell. I am also thinking about getting a different car too. I called a guy there in San Diego, and well he is selling a Mazda 626, a 1986. It has a sun roof…! Anyway…even if I get my Neon back, I think I will just park that car, and get the Mazda. There is so much work I have to do to my Neon…it needs a paint job, I am sure it will need the brakes done by the time I get her back. I know the power steering unit leaks, so that will have to be replaced. The transmission is slipping…I will have to get that taken care of. Not sure if I can do that, or will let someone else do it for me. A tune up won’t hurt, and I don’t know how the rings are holding out. That poor car has been threw so much…! One thing I know though, I will pay it off, get the pink slip, and drop all the insurance on her because I won’t be driving it. That is if I park it, and start to work on it. Oh yeah…I will have to replace the speakers, and the radio most likely. I know there is one speaker in the passenger door that is gone. I tool that out myself because it was dead…! Wasn’t able to spend 85 dollars for a new pair of speakers either. So it goes without…I know, poor car…! Oh you have no idea…you really don’t.

I want to send a welcome back out to Bubbly Petite Girl…! Hope you are doing well, and keep up the great work you are doing for yourself. And of course the next time I am able to get on line, I will drop by your diary and read up on what I have been missing out on. And thank you for coming back by and saying hello to me…! Makes me feel good to know that people remember me. So yeah…thanks.

merry melancholy Yes…I am sure all my kids will talk with me when I get back home. I am really looking forward to the day when I am able to see them again. I will have my camcorder going and everything. I am sure I won’t get everything on tape, but I will get enough of it to make it worth watching again and again…! I could just let me kids run wild with it too…that would be fun to see. Two more months…just two more…! Seems like a life time though…oh wait, it already has been for me.

Quietpoetess] And yes, I am sure she wasn’t use to me being gone like I was…I am really all she knew, and then I was gone. And NO, some times I really don’t like the military life. But it pays the bills, and keeps my kids healthy, so I just deal with it the best that I can.

Well that about wraps it up for this time around. I will try my best to write more tomorrow…if not, then Saturday. There most likely won’t be any more new news, but hey at least you can come read more of my rambles, and say…Wow, where the hell does he come up with things like that…! TO long at sea my friends, and not even sex, beer or mindless sports on TV…! Mainly the sex though…! Anyway, take care and well come on back when you have the time…I’ll be here. No wait, I’m here, so who is there…? I don’t know. Anyway…laters…!

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Your kids are lucky to have someone who thinks so much of them.