Oh my holy sheep tails…!

I am so not ready for the rest of this day…!  My butt is asleep from me sitting in this crappy ass chair, I am tired, and well I just don’t want to do anything.  I got a really crappy two hour nap before I came on this watch at 0135 this morning.  If it wasn’t for the inter-net I would have been asleep a long time ago….!  It would have been nice thought to do some e-mail tag with people.  But most normal people here in the states are asleep at this time of night, and well there is so many limits on what we can do with the inter-net here on the ship that it’s hard as hell to find anyone to talk to. 

Anyway, not sure what I am going to do today.  I did find out that I will be able to move into an apartment soon.  Soon as in Monday or Tuesday.  Not sure she will have the place cleaned up by Saturday though.  I will have to pay a bit more of the depost though, but that is due to my bankrupcy that was filed.  It has been 2 and 1/2 years, and well it’s not as “bad” after 4 years.  That is the reason I have to pay a bit more for deposit.  I have the money, I just won’t like paying as much as asked…but I will have to pay more no matter where I go…I already know that.  Besides, it’s a two bedroom 1 1/2 bath.  Lots of room for me, and a chance to make sure I can keep things cleaned up just by myself.  I need to work on those home skills for the days when I have the kids over, or when I get them back for good.  Yes, I will have to move again, I know that…but at the same time I don’t have to bring a hole lot of crap into the place.  My clothes, and kitchen stuff.  I’ll make due with sleeping on the floor for a while.  I’m not going out to get a queen sized mattress for my bed…not yet at least.  I have found my comforter and there is a couple other blankert I can wash up for padding.  Then I just need a sheet and a couple pillows…Rick is good to go…!  That thing I am sleeping on here on the ship is just about as hard as the floor, so it really doesn’t matter.

Well take care…I’ll write more again when I can…

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December 5, 2003

I hope you find the comfort you desire…

wonderful stuff? oh yes i am going to go to work in like 5 mins…i am sssooooo thrilled…pfft..my hands are do cut up from work its not even funny. i just hope the box cutter doesn’t attack me today like it did last week. that hurt and bled like a…well ya know

Welp, I love You valerie

December 5, 2003

…the same thing we do everyday pinky….try and take over the world.

Well good luck on getting your 2 bedroom and seeing your kids.I hope everything works out for you…