More about San Diego

I am wondering what I should call this entry…but right now I am not even going to care about that. I don’t even know what to write about…since there is so much crap locked up here in this head of mine. This hole thing with housing is really getting out of control. That is the main thing on my mind right now though. Here I was thinking that things were going along well with getting things in the house packed up, but come to find out the person that was asked to come in and do it for me, with some help of other members that are waiting for orders said he wasn’t going back in that house. It is that bad off in there. But the worst part about it all is the fleas…! And what was suppose to have been done last week isn’t being done until today. The housing being bug bombed…I was told that once my cat was gone they would bomb the house. They haven’t…! So it’s like come on people…if you need this done, do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it. It’s not that hard to walk in there, and pop a couple bombs off, and walk out. Lock the place up and let it sit and soak. Then you come back in a day, and do it again…just to make sure the little fuckers are dead…dead…dead…! I hate fleas…I really, really do. I don’t mind mosquitoes, I don’t mind gnats, I don’t mind chiggers…but FLEAS…Oh I hate them so much. So does my cat…but then again she really isn’t my cat any more if I don’t hear from my sister in a day or so about someone being able to take care of her for me. I have just been a foul mood all day over this hole damn thing…I keep trying to be the strong one…telling myself I can make it one more day. Well that isn’t working any more…a person can only take so much before they break…and I should have broke a long, long time ago. But I haven’t…I kept going…thinking that I would make it. After how many set backs…? How many lies have I heard…? How many slaps in the face have I gotten…? And even this deployment…it’s gone quickly, but still there is still far to many questions that we don’t know…we don’t even know when the hell we are going to be back in San Diego for goodness sakes. This is down right bull shit. It is closing in on September…we were suppose to be back in San Diego by now if you wanted to do the math. Well not back in San Diego, but we should be heading back by now. We still have one more month out here…at least. There is no set date when we chop out of here and start heading East. There is talk of port visits on the way back…I say to hell with that, just go and get us the hell home…! Or get me to Hawaii and I will fly to San Diego. I can get a room in the barracks once my leave runs out…or something. I am so sick of sitting here and thinking about being back in San Diego. I can’t stand the town, but I can’t wait to get back there. Go figure that one huh? Well my kids are there, that’s why I need to get back there. I don’t know what I am going to do about my life…but I know where my kids are. And even if it’s true that they don’t talk about me anymore, they will know me when I get back there. I am just afraid that my oldest is going to be afraid of me. I shouldn’t say bad things about my in laws, but who really knows what the mother in law has pumped into that girls head about me.

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