Late night and no sleep…

Hello once again…and lets just say this has been a very not so good night.  Well it hasn’t been bad, just no sleep for me…and the worst part about it, I’m tired.  I have been laying down for a couple hours, if not more…trying to sleep.  I turned the lights off, turned the TV off…all the right things to fall asleep, but none came back to me.  I am looking a duty day right in the face too…!  I just hope I don’t get stuck with a watch.  I am going to be making a lot of calls this morning, so I won’t get sleep until after lunch…that’s just a guess on my part though.  Maybe I should have stayed on the ship tonight.  I spent the money to get this room here at the Navy Lodge, and what have I done…?  Not sleep like I hoped I would have.  What got me was that 45 minute nap I got.  I was on the phone, and fell asleep…and well I hung it up and stayed where I was on the bed.  Woke up, and didn’t know where I was for a few seconds.  Had the strangest feeling that I was somewhere I wasn’t suppose to be.  So now I am stuck with HORRIBLE info-murcals (and I don’t care how to spell it either…) and some ever worse B rated movies on HBO.  The TV is on, just have the mute set. 

Oh big yawn for me…but it’s not going to do me any good.  I have the clock set to go off at 0500 so I can get a shower and shaved.  Check out of here and to the other side of base in time for me to get a close parking spot.  So I hope…!  It’s Monday morning though, so it’s going to be a mess…I already know that for fact.  That is the one thing I am going to be “happy” about staying on the ship…I won’t have to get up early, to get to the base and find a parking spot.  I use to get up like 90 minutes early to get to the base in time to get a parking spot, and then walk to the ship.  I am going to be looking for places Wednesday…or I will try to fit it into my day.  My Tuesday is going to be filled with getting into DMV for the tags on my Ford.  I don’t really care about the Neon since that car is missing in action.  I will try to call first…I should be able to find out if the tags have been sent out by talking to someone.  I really don’t care about being on the phone on the ship…I have to be on duty, I have a lot of things to take care of, and I have been out of San Diego for a while too.  So people can just get over it…!  Of course I can’t say that to some people, but for the rest I will say something just like that.  I don’t care…I have things I need to take care and that is what I am going to be doing. 

Anyway…I’ll write more again when I can…Laters…!

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December 1, 2003
December 1, 2003

insomnia sucks… I’ve had a bit of a week with sleepless nights lately too : /