Late Entry…

You know…I have no idea what to write about.  There is things I could say…I guess I could.  I’m hungry though.  Not drinking beer today.  Got really drunk yesterday, so I need to take it easy today.  Had a bit of a hang over when I woke up, but it went away with some asprin and lots of water.  Food helped too…!  Pizza for lunch and lots to drink.  I have duty tomorrow, and by the looks of what I saw earlier the ship doesn’t have the T-1 line hooked up this time…bastards…!  So tomorrow on duty is really going to blow…!  I just hope e-mail is working because I e-mailed myself some surveys.  I can see me doing them all day tomorrow.  But who knows.  We have like 44 or so days left on this deployment.  I really don’t know what all is left though.  I haven’t checked the counter work sheet I have on the ship.  It really doesn’t matter, because we don’t know when the ship is going to be back in San Diego.  We are suppose to leave here in just ove a week, and we still don’t know what is going on for us on the way back to San Diego.  Talk about a messed up mess…!  I could care less about pulling into Hong Kong or Singapore this time around.  So those six days are going to be like…”whatever” to me…!  Don’t care about Guam…I need Hawaii.  And then a flight to San Diego.

Anyway, not sure if I like this new lay out yet or not.  Wonder if it will still be here when I get back to San Diego.  Only time will tell on that one…only time will tell.  One thing though the amount of stuff you can add has been made greater.  The limit was 6500 or less…if I remember right.  7500 is now the limit.  Not that my stuff from the ship is any smaller than that.  I can get a bit winder I know…so thanks to the caretaker.  And well it’s a bit late but thank you too to the first care taker I had.  I didn’t mean to hurt you like I did…!  I am sorry.  Anyway…anything else…?  I don’t know.  Not that it matters.  Well let me end this now, and go about my way.  Take care and well come back when you can to see what else is new and going on in my life.


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Hi babe *HUGS tight* 🙂 Missed your posts to me.. How are you ? 🙂 *Goofy Grin at u* Look at you u’re totally rambling on.. LOL I think you’re soo cute n funny.. 🙂 How old are your kids ? You never said if you were married or divorced? School has been rough on me but hey,I’d love to get a gift from Hong Kong or Hawaii? 😀 Send me something will you ? *grin* 😀

The note above was posted by ME 🙂 the Bubbly girl..Wonder why OD didnt save it for me.. STrange.. Anyhow School has been rough on me this is like 4th week or something back at school after a wonderful summer.. I wonder how san diego is as I think u would perhaps know from reading my previous entries. 🙂 I am with a US Marine right now:) We’re quite happy together 🙂 and I am looking at per-

September 25, 2003

i am looking at perhaps coming to visit him in San Diego this November for Marine Corps Ball. 🙂 Thats y i been working out so hard for.. hehehe 😉 I hope your hang over and headache are both better 🙂 *HUGS* hope to hear from you real soon again and i’ll be sure to add u on my Yahoo and AOL IM so we can talk sometime 😀 (Bubbly) – Kimmy the Bubbly girl 😉

September 25, 2003

Why a US Marine ? *laughs* Why not a Marine huh ? 🙂 Whats wrong with them ? 🙂 He’s really cute and sexy and loveable… I couldn’t have asked for anyone or anyting better. Really! 🙂 The first guy I dated after High school was a US Army (BAND DUDE) He never went anywhere just played his Drums all day long and well that didnt last because he was a Country guy and I am a City girl. 😉

September 25, 2003

Country and City dont really mix. he wanted the whole LIL HOUSE ON THE PRAIREE AND STAY AT HOME WIFE kind of bit..I want a Career. He expected me to sit at home barefooty n Pregnant and pop kids at all hours of the day I just told him HELL NO..;) So there goes that. My 2nd Military relationship after that was with a US Navy Submariner. He’s still in the navy and his name is Kevin. He is still

September 25, 2003

with the US Submarine Service for the Navy. yes yes.. a Squid or Calamari if you want to call it that ;). We were together for 2 1/2 years and engaged to be married. He came home from a 1 year Med run and cheated on me so I threw the ring in the Ocean like the old woman threw the Necklace in the Ocean in the Movie Titanic and I said GO TO HELL! So that was that..with the Navy.

September 25, 2003

I dont think I’ll ever date another Navy guy again…That guy hurt me bad and I burned him for it later..I had some fun with him though cuz i said ..If u hurt me u pay.. HE DID!! LOL He got Galley Duty and he got to clean the HEAD for quite some time…so GO ME!! LOL *Evil laugh* 😉

September 25, 2003

This was a while back and Now i am with a US Marine. We’re happy together and he treats me well. 🙂 So I guess I do deserve better and i do deserve to be happy. 🙂

September 25, 2003

You left me a note that said “And why a jar head…? They are loyal though…so I guess that is a good thing.” What exactly did you mean ? by all that? 🙂 I mean Ben kisses and tells I know that much, cuz he’s only 22 I am 23. 🙂 We’re a year apart and we dont live together yet so I dont mind if he kisses and tells and brags about me to make me look good 😉 Why not a Jarhead ? :)He seems

September 25, 2003

he seems loyal we talk quite often and well he’s still a big kid and I love him but I wouldnt wanna have it any other way.. he is a pretty big kid but he makes up for it with his “handsomeness, sexyness and height” so i guess we’re even 😉 *laughs* 😀 God I got class in about 15 min now i wont be able to think straight lol. Look at what you started!